Rogue Squadron- Obligometer- Obsession

We all have obligations. To family, friends, work or even just ourselves. Big or small, we all owe someone something, even if that someone is ourselves or our own desires. Obligation is a part of life…

Our heroes have found themselves paying work. A local…art dealer…has hired them to acquire a rare painting for him. Due to some scheduling issues, the only time they can pick the painting up is at night. They’ll have to go to the previous owner’s home to take delivery. No, nobody will be there to let them in, unfortunately.

Fortunately, the party containes Kiri, Squib lockpick extraordinaire.  It’s a simple matter for him to bypass the locks and shut down the security system protecting the painting. Kind of rude for the previous owner to not do that before hand.

Kiri does his part and then steps back to let the muscled Wookiee take the large painting down. While he waits on the others, he takes a look around the room. Lots of valuable collectibles are on display.  Mostly boring paintings, some sculptures. But then something catches his eye. Is that…

…an action figure of Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi from the hit holovid Jedi Battle Master III: The Revengening? In it’s ORIGINAL PACKAGING?!?!? Our little Squib friend starts bouncing back and forth. He looks over to his friends, still busy with the painting. He should have time to disable the alarms from the display stand and, borrow, the action figure before they’re done.

You see, our little Squib friend is kind of obsessed with holovids.  Jedi Battle Master III is his favorite holovid and, despite what critics say, the best of the entire Jedi Battle Master series.  He has the whole collection of action figures from the movie…except Obi-wan Kenobi.

With barely contained excitement, Kiri moves over to the display stand and begins working on the security system. As he prepares to roll his Skullduggery check, the GM flips a destiny points, replacing one of his Difficulty die with a Challenge die. In his excitement, Kiri’s hands are shaking, making this attempt a bit more difficult by also throwing in a Setback.

Success! The light on the alarm goes off and, with a sense of awe, he lifts the packaged action figure off the stand. Now his collection is complete.

Advantage! Not only is the action figure in it’s original packaging, its one of the extremely rare versions with two lightsabers.

Triumph! As you lift the action figure up you notice behind the box is another Obi-wan Kenobi action figure, not in the packaging. Now you have one to play with as well!

Failure! Poor overeager Squib. In his haste to get the prize, he’s triggered an alarm. Now your whole party is in danger.

Threat! You may or may not have triggered an alarm, but you did knock over a vase beside the display. There’s a good chance someone heard that.

Despair! Noooo!!!! As he lifts the figure from the display, Kiri’s shaking hands cause him to tear the packaging! It’s no longer in mint condition!

People are obsessed with different things. Just like in our world, Star Wars characters have their obsessions, some rather mundane. But that doesn’t mean the gaming consequences need to be less exciting. Maybe your character is just as obsessed with Star Wars…err Jedi Battle Master…as you are.

Thanks to one of my group mates for the inspiration for this article.


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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.