Rogue Squadron – Rebel Generals

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In (Extended)

RZ-1 A-wing  “Hera Syndulla” (45 pts) (I6)

While another friendly ship at range 1-2 defends or performs an attack, you may transfer 1 of your focus tokens, evade tokens, or locks to that ship.

Vectored Thrusters: After you perform an action, you may perform a red Boost action.

  • Missile – Ion Missile
    • Attack (Lock): Front Arc, 3, range 2-3
    • Charges: 3
    • Spend 1 Charge. If this attack hits, spend 1 Hit or Crit result to cause the defender to suffer 1  damage. All remaining Hit/Crit results inflict ion tokens instead of damage
  • Talent- Starbird Slash
    • After you fully execute a maneuver, you may choose 1 enemy ship you moved through. That ship gains 1 strain token. Then, if you are in that ship’s firing arc, you gain 1 strain token

T-65 X-wing “Wedge Antilles” (54 pts) (I6)

While you perform an attack, the defender rolls 1 fewer defense die.

  • Configuration- Servomotor S-foils
    • Closed:
      • Adds Boost, Focus ->  Boost
      • While you perform a primary attack, roll 1 fewer attack die
      • Before you activate, you may flip this card
    • Open:
      • Before you activate, you may flip this card

Modified YT-1300 “Han Solo” (101 pts) (I6)

After you roll dice, if you are at range 0-1 of an obstacle, you may reroll all of your dice. This does not count as rerolling for the purpose of other effects.

  • Crew- C-3P0
    • Adds Calculate
    • Before rolling defense dice, you may spend 1 calculate token to guess aloud a number 1 or higher. If you do and you roll exactly that many Evade results, add 1 Evade result
    • After you perform the Calculate action, gain 1 calculate token
  • Gunner- Agile Gunner
    • During the End Phase, you may rotate your Turret indicator
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade
    • Adds Boost
  • Title- Millenium Falcon
    • Adds Evade
    • While you defend, if you are evading, you may reroll 1 defense die

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

The Rebels now have three I6 pilots. Han and Wedge are both huge targets but Hera comes in with some support. Unless she plans to fire an Ion Missile, she will primarily Evade. Then she can transfer that Evade to whichever of the other two ships becomes the primary target. If she passes it to Han, he can make use of his ability and the Millennium Falcon title for excellent defense potential. He’ll either be Boosting to avoid arcs or double calculating with C-3P0.

Wedge becomes far more survivable if there is always the chance to throw him an evade when he needs it. And that’s the beauty of Hera’s ability, you can choose to use it when you need it. You don’t have to decide first. Wedge rolls two evades, Hera keeps the token. Han can roll his die, use his ability to reroll, see what the result is, and then decide to get Hera’s Evade, reroll using the Falcon and possibly keep the Evade for later. If you’ve opted for a Lock on Hera, she can fire her missile and not spend the Lock. Pass it on to Wedge when he whiffs later.

If you’re in real dire straights, Han can survive three hits with one health left. Spend a Calculate with C-3P0, guess one evade result. Get an evade added. Get the Evade from Hera. Reroll using the Falcon title. He gets lucky, he now has three evade results in his pool.


There are several things you can play with here to gain a bid or switch out some upgrades. Agile Gunner, Starbird Slash, and Ion Missile are worth seven and can be switched to a number of different crew for the Falcon. Leia, K-2S0, Magva Yarro all fit for those points and add some value depending on flight style. Likewise, Engine Upgrade is also worth seven, and if you don’t mind stressing yourself when you boost, can also give you one of those crew.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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