Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.
All Wings Report In (Extended)
T-70 X-Wing “Poe Dameron” (78 pts) (I6)
After you perform an action, you may spend 1 Charge to perform a white action, treating it as red.
Weapon Hardpoint: You can equip 1 Cannon, Missile or Torpedo upgrade.
- Astromech- R4 Astromech
- Reduce the difficulty of your speed 1-2 basic maneuvers.
- Configuration- Integrated S-Foils
- Closed:
- Adds Barrel Roll, Focus –> Red Barrel Roll
- While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is not in your Bullseye Arc, roll 1 fewer attack die.
- Before you activate, you may flip this card.
- Open:
- Before you activate, you may flip this card.
- Closed:
- Modification(Remove in Variant Option)– Overdrive Thrusters
- While you perform a red Boost. Barrel Roll, or SLAM action, you must use a template of 1 speed higher if able.
- Talent- Heroic
- While you defend or perform an attack, if you have only blank results and have 2 or more results, you may reroll any number of your dice.
- Title(Remove in Variant Option)– Black One
- Charge 1
- Adds SLAM action
- After you perform a SLAM action, lose 1 Charge. Then you may gain 1 ion token to remove 1 disarm token.
- If your is inactive, you cannot perform the action.
RZ-2 A-wing “Zizi Tio” (43 pts) (I5)
After you defend or perform an attack, you may spend 1 Charge to gain 1 focus or evade token.
Refined Gyrostabilizers: You can rotate your Mobile Arc indicator only to your Forward or Rear. After you perform an action, you may perform a red Boost or red Rotate action.
- Talent- Heroic
- While you defend or perform an attack, if you have only blank results and have 2 or more results, you may reroll any number of your dice.
- Talent(Add in Variant Option)– Starbird Slash
- After you fully execute a maneuver, you may choose 1 enemy ship you moved through. That ship gains 1 strain token. Then, if you are in that ship’s firing arc, you gain 1 strain token.
- Tech (Add in Variant Option)– Advanced Optics
- While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 focus token to change 1 of your blank results to a Hit result.
RZ-2 A-wing “Tallissan Lintra” (39 pts) (I5)
While an enemy ship in your Bullseye Arc performs an attack, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, the defender rolls 1 additional die.
Refined Gyrostabilizers: You can rotate your Mobile Arc indicator only to your Forward or Rear. After you perform an action, you may perform a red Boost or red Rotate action.
- Talent- Heroic
- While you defend or perform an attack, if you have only blank results and have 2 or more results, you may reroll any number of your dice.
- Talent(Add in Variant Option)– Starbird Slash
- After you fully execute a maneuver, you may choose 1 enemy ship you moved through. That ship gains 1 strain token. Then, if you are in that ship’s firing arc, you gain 1 strain token.
- Tech (Add in Variant Option)– Advanced Optics
- While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 focus token to change 1 of your blank results to a Hit result
Fireball “Kazuda Xiono” (40 pts) (I4)
While you defend or perform a primary attack, if the enemy ship’s initiative is higher than the number of damage cards you have, you may roll 1 additional die.
Explosion with Wings: You are dealt 1 facedown damage card. After you perform a SLAM action, you may expose 1 damage card to remove 1 disarm token.
- Talent- Heroic
- While you defend or perform an attack, if you have only blank results and have 2 or more results, you may reroll any number of your dice.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
This list relies rather heavily on Poe being awesome. You load him for bear and he instantly becomes the focus on your opponent’s ships. With the double actions, he’ll be performing red boost, barrel roll and SLAM frequently. This lets him Overdrive regularly which dramatically changes where you can move Poe to around the board. This gives him a better chance of earning all those points you’ve invested into him.
Meanwhile, the rest of your list isn’t something your opponent can just ignore. Kaz will hunt your opponent’s ace to relieve some of the pressure from Poe. The two A-wings are never something to sneeze at. Tali wants to get into position to bullseye the greatest threat, giving out bonus defense die to that ship’s target. Zizi is a tough bird to kill with her free token after attacking.
All the ships can move in non-standard ways which further compounds you opponent’s trouble in pinning them down. Poe has Overdrive, Kaz has SLAM, and the A-wings have refined gyrostabilizers and the ability to shoot backwards. It can be tricky to assess all the landing options for each ship. For yourself and your opponent. If you’re not careful you can outthink yourself and the squad’s innate fragility can see ships wiped out fast.
If you trim Poe down by removing Overdrive Thrusters and Black One, he becomes much less slippery. But also quite a bit cheaper. Those freed up points can be spent to magnify the power of your A-wings with Starbird Slash and Advanced Optics. It’s a balance between super Poe and good A-wings and good Poe and great A-wings.