Welcome to Rogue Fleet, Admiral! In this series we will be looking at different fleets you can command in Fantasy Flight Games’ Armada miniatures game. We give you the fleet, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from, and then give you the low down on how best to command it. Stand by to drop out of hyperspace…
Our Cruisers Will Create a Perimeter…
Imperial Star Destroyer II (Imperial Star Destroyer Expansion) (173 pts)
- Commander- Admiral Screed (Gladiator Expansion)- Once per activation, when a friendly ship is attacking, it may spend one die to change a die to a face with a
- Title– Avenger (Imperial Star Destroyer Expansion): While attacking, the defender cannot spend exhausted defense tokens.
- Ion Cannon- Overload Pulse (Core and Victory SD Expansion): BLUE
: Exhaust all of the defenders defense tokens.
- Weapons Team- Gunnery Team (Core, Victory SD, Assault Frigate Expansion)- You can attack from the same hull zone more than once per activation. The hull zone cannot target the same ship or squadron more than once during that activation.
- Officer- Wulff Yularen (Core Set)- When you spend a command token, you may exhaust this card to gain one command token of the same type.
Raider II Corvette (Imperial Raider Expansion) (57 pts)
- Title- Instigator (Raider Expansion): Enemy squadrons at distance 1 are treated as if they are engaged by 2 additional squadrons, even if they are not currently engaged.
- Offensive Retrofit- Quad Laser Cannons (Raider Expansion)- While defending at distance 1, if the attacker is a squadron, you have COUNTER 1
Gozanti Class Assault Carrier (Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion) (41 pts)
- Offensive Retrofit- Expanded Hangar Bays (Core/Victory SD Expansion)- Your squadron value is increased by 1.
- Fleet Support- Bomber Command Center (Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion)- While a friendly squadron with BOMBER at distance 1-5 is attacking a ship, it may reroll 1 die.
Squadrons (41pts)
- Major Rhymer (TIE Bomber)
- Friendly squadrons at distance 1 can attack enemy ships at close-medium range using all dice in their battery armament.
- Soontir Fel (TIE Interceptor)
- After a squadron you are engaged with performs a non-COUNTER attack, it suffers 1 damage if it did not attack you.
- Dengar (Jumpmaster 5000)
- While another friendly squadron is at distance 1-2, it has COUNTER 1 or increases itsCOUNTER value by 1.
- 4x TIE Advanced
- 3x TIE Bomber
Concentrate all fire…
The core offense of this fleet is the fighters. With Major Rhymer supporting the other Bombers and Advanceds you can do a lot of damage from medium range to any ships that get close. The addition of the Gozanti nearby helps ensure that the Bombers get those crucial hits through with the ability to reroll.
With four Advanced to shield with Escort, Soontir Fel can make devastating use of his ability to any fighters that try and engage you. Every time they shoot an Advanced, Soontir does them a damage. In addition, Dengar gives each Advanced Counter 1 so they get to return fire on their attacker.
As added anti-fighter support, Dengar can use Intel to give every enemy fighter Heavy. This allows you to keep moving your fighters so the big ships don’t leave them behind. You can also move the Raider in to engage the fighters so they then can’t pursue.
Your ISD is your biggest vulnerability and heaviest hitter, which is par for the course with an ISD. With Screed, Avenger title and Overload Pulse it can do devastating damage with the second shot since your target will not be able to use any defense tokens. Exhausting all of their defense tokens also helps your Bombers get their damage through.
Getting another Overload Pulse into the mix would not be a bad idea. Unfortunately, they are eight points which means you’d have to trade two other upgrades to get one on your Raider.
You could make a major change and turn the Raider and Gozanti into a single Victory SD but that would give your opponent even less targets. VSD’s can be tough but are also easy to leave behind because they are so slow and hard to turn.