Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.
All Wings Report In
TIE/se Bomber “Scorch” (53 pts) (I4)
While a friendly ship at range 0-1 performs a primary attack, it may spend 1 Hit result. If it does, after defending, the defender gains 1 strain token.
- Chassis Ability- Pursuit Thrusters
- During the System Phase, you may perform a Boost action
- Gunner- DT-798
- At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose a friendly ship in your firing arc. If you do, that ship gains 1 strain token.
- While you perform an attack, you may reroll up to 1 die for each ship in the attack arc with 1 or more non-lock red or orange tokens.
- Talent- Fanatical
- While you perform a primary attack, if you are not shielded, you may change 1 Focus result to a Hit result.
- Torpedo- Proton Torpedo
- Front Arc, 3, Range 2-3
- Charges: 2
- Attack (Lock): Spend 1 Charge. Change 1 Hit result to a Crit result.
TIE/wi Whisper “Wrath” (54 pts) (I5)
After you perform a Bullseye attack, if you have 1 or more non-lock red or orange tokens, you may perform a bonus attack against a different target.
- Chassis Ability- Heavy Weapon Turret
- You can rotate your Mobile Arc indicator only to your Front or Rear. You must treat the Front Arc requirement of your equipped Missile upgrades as Mobile Arc.
- Configuration- Enhanced Jamming Suite
- Adds Focus –> Jam, Barrel Roll –> Jam, Booster –> Jam, Jam
- While you jam, you can choose yourself or another friendly ship.
- While you defend, if the attacker has no green tokens or there is a jammed ship in the attack arc, you may roll 1 additional defence die.
- Tech- Scrambled Sensors
- Setup: Gain 1 Cloak token.
- While you are cloaked, other ships cannot acquire locks on you.
- During the End Phase, if you are cloaked and there is an enemy ship at range 0-3, you must decloak. If you do and that decloak fails, lose 1 cloak token.
TIE/fo Fighter “Midnight” (39 pts) (I6)
While you defend or perform an attack, if you have a lock on the enemy ship, that ship’s dice cannot be modified.
- Talent- Fanatical
- While you perform a primary attack, if you are not shielded, you may change 1 Focus result to a Hit result.
- Tech- Targeting Synchronizer
- While a friendly ship at range 1-2 performs an attack against a target you have locked, that ship ignores the Lock attack requirement.
TIE/ba Interceptor “Major Vonreg” (54 pts) (I6)
During the System Phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship in your Bullseye. That ship gains 1 deplete or strain token of your choice.
- Chassis Ability- Fine-Tuned Thrusters
- After you fully execute a maneuver, if you are not depleted or strained, you may gain 1 deplete or strain token to perform a Barrel Roll or Boost action.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
This list has a lot of different things going on. There’s an odd semblance of synergy among the pilots, which is an odd thing for First Order. Rebels, sure. But each piece can continue to function on their own if need be.
We’ll start at Midnight. She always wants to have a lock on the biggest threat. She’ll stick near Scorch, so she can share her lock with him using Targeting Synchronizer. This will allow him to fire his proton torpedoes after just focusing as his action. Thanks to DT-798, he can still get rerolls on the torpedo attack. And with this list, the reroll potential there is quite substantial.
First, Vonreg can hand out a deplete during the system phase. He can also give himself one (or a strain) to double reposition. Next, Wrath will try to jam as often as possible. She also won’t mind taking a strain from DT-798 when she manages to line up a bullseye shot, so she can fire on two different targets. And finally, any of these ships, but most likely Midnight, can stick close enough to Scorch, forgoing a hit result to give a strain. All of that is on top of any typical stress tokens.
In the end, you have two I6’s, one a legit ace, an I5 who can flirt with being ace like, and a heavy I4 that can’t be ignored thanks to torpedoes.
There are a few upgrades you can play around with and keep the core of this list. Fanatical on everyone, and Sensor Scrambler on Wrath are points you can shuffle around. You can choose who ends up with Fanatical or give Vonreg a Crack Shot for some added umph.