Rogue Squadron- Scrambled Juke and Jam

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In

TIE Advanced “Juno Eclipse” (Imperial Raider Expansion) (32 pts) (PS 8)

When you reveal your maneuver, you may increase or decrease its speed by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

  • Elite Pilot Talent- Juke (TIE/fo Expansion): Small ship only. When attacking, if you have an evade token, you may change 1 of the defender’s Evade results into a Focus result.
  • Missile- Scrambler Missile (Kimogila Expansion)- Attack (3, range 2-3) (target lock): Discard this card to perform this attack. If this attack hits, the defender and each other ship at Range 1 receives 1 jam token. Then cancel all results.
  • System- Sensor Jammer (Lambda Shuttle/U-Wing/TIE Silencer Expansions): When defending, you may change 1 of the attacker’s Hit results into a Focus result. The attacker cannot reroll the die with the changed result.
  • Title- TIE/x1 (Imperial Raider Expansion): TIE Advanced only. Your upgrade bar gains the System upgrade icon. If you equip a System upgrade, its squad point cost is reduced by 4 (to a minimum of 0).

TIE Advanced “Darth Vader” (TIE Advanced Expansion) (37 pts) (PS 9)

During your “Perform Action” step, you may perform 2 actions.

  • Elite Pilot Talent- Juke (TIE/fo Expansion): Small ship only. When attacking, if you have an evade token, you may change 1 of the defender’s Evade results into a Focus result.
  • Missile- Scrambler Missile (Kimogila Expansion): Attack (3, range 2-3) (target lock): Discard this card to perform this attack. If this attack hits, the defender and each other ship at Range 1 receives 1 jam token. Then cancel all results.
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (Hound’s Tooth/Millennium Falcon Expansions: Your action bar gains the Boost action icon.
  • System- Sensor Jammer (Lambda Shuttle/U-Wing/TIE Silencer Expansions): When defending, you may change 1 of the attacker’s Hit results into a Focus result. The attacker cannot reroll the die with the changed result.
  • Title- TIE/x1 (Imperial Raider Expansion): TIE Advanced only. Your upgrade bar gains the System upgrade icon. If you equip a System upgrade, its squad point cost is reduced by 4 (to a minimum of 0).

Alpha Class StarWing “Major Vynder” (Alpha Class Starwing Expansion) (31 pts) (PS 9)

When defending, if you have a weapons disabled token, roll 1 additional defense die.

  • Cannon- Jamming Beam (Alpha Class StarwingExpansion): Attack (3, range 1-2): If this attack hits, assign the defender 1 jam token. Then cancel all dice results.
  • Elite Pilot Talent- Veteran Instincts (Millennium Falcon/Sabine’s TIE/Shadow Caster/Slave-1 Expansions): Increase your pilot skill value by 2.
  • Missile- Scrambler Missile (Kimogila Expansion): Attack (3, range 2-3) (target lock): Discard this card to perform this attack. If this attack hits, the defender and each other ship at Range 1 receives 1 jam token. Then cancel all results.
  • Title- XG-1 (Alpha Class Starwing Expansion): Alpha-class Star Wing only. Your upgrade bar gains 2 Cannon icons. You may perform attacks with Cannon secondary weapons that cost 2 or fewer points even while you have a weapons disabled token.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

This is another silly list that exists primarily to toy with a particular mechanic. In this case, the jam token. The idea is to try and saturate your opponent with jam tokens early on, preferably hitting all of his ships with three Scrambler Missiles in the first engagement. Then they spend the next few rounds clearing the jam tokens while your TIE Advances use Juke to plink damage through and Sensor Jammer to stay alive.

The gunboat meanwhile, continues to lay in more jam tokens, generally being annoying more than anything. Between the Jamming Beam and the Scrambler missile, he can lay in jamming from any range. He won’t be doing much, if any damage, but if he’s thwarting your enemy he’s doing his job.

Your nemesis is Expertise. It specifically negates your Sensor Jammer.


You could trade Darth Vader’s Engine Upgrade for another weapon on the gunboat, a Mangler cannon or torpedo, so that he has some damage potential. You could also drop the gunboat entirely in exchange for another TIE Advanced. There would not be any renewable jam tokens though so you would have to rely on your initial volley of scrambler missiles.

You could also change out sensor jammer for accuracy corrector. That would allow your TIE Advances to remain accurate while spending actions on getting an Evade token to trigger Juke.

When developing this list, I really wanted to try and find a way to make the TIE/sf work. They have EPT, System, Missile and the addition of Tech so you could take Comm Relay. Unfortunately, the only way I could figure out to get them an Evade token would be Intensity/Debris Gambit, which are EPTs and would make the whole thing pointless.


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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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