Today we wrap up our attempt at ranking the X-Wing ships with a look at Scum.
- Health
- Shields*1.5+Hull
- This was done to account for shields being more valuable than hull
- Shields*1.5+Hull
- Capabilities
- Attack value + Defense Value + Arc Bonus + Actions + Upgrades + Special
- Arc Bonus: +1 for nonstandard arc +2 for Primary Weapon Turret
- Actions: Raw count
- Upgrades:
- One point for upgrades (System, Tech, Crew, Astromech, Turret, Title*)
- Half a point for all ordnance (Bomb, Torpedo, Missile) or cannon upgrades.
- Special: +1 if the ship has access to special ship only upgrades or limited access upgrades
- Examples: Autothrusters or Space Tug Tractor Array
- Attack value + Defense Value + Arc Bonus + Actions + Upgrades + Special
- Dial
- (# of Maneuvers beyond base + #of Green+ # of Specials) – # of Red Maneuvers
- Base Maneuvers
- Every ship (so far) has all 2-speed maneuvers, 3 Straight and 3 Bank. These are ignored and all maneuvers beyond these are counted.
- Greens
- More greens the better the dial.
- Specials means
- Green Hard turns
- White K-turn/T-rolls/S-loops
- Repositioning action
- Base Maneuvers
- (# of Maneuvers beyond base + #of Green+ # of Specials) – # of Red Maneuvers
- Cost
- 50-Median Cost/2
- Since no (current) pilot costs more than 50 points, subtracting median cost from 50 gives cheaper ships more value.
- Dividing by 2 keeps the number from skewing things too heavily in its favor
- Negative point titles are factored in.
- 50-Median Cost/2
Rankings- Worst to Best
16th Place – HWK-290
- Overall- 8.438
- Health- 5.5 (Tied for 10th)
- Dial- 4 (16th)
- Cost- 15.25 (4th)
- Capabilities- 9.0 (15th)
15th Place – Y-Wing
- Overall- 9.625
- Health- 9.5 (8th)
- Dial- 5 (15th)
- Cost- 14.50 (5th)
- Capabilities- 9.5 (14th)
14th Place – Quadjumper
- Overall- 10.00
- Health- 5.0 (Tied for 13th)
- Dial- 8 (13th)
- Cost- 16.50 (3rd)
- Capabilities- 10.5 (13th)
Tied for 12th Place – G-1A
- Overall- 10.063
- Health- 10.0 (Tied for 6th)
- Dial- 7 (14th)
- Cost- 12.25 (10th)
- Capabilities- 11 (12th)
Tied for 12th Place – Z-95
- Overall- 10.063
- Health- 5.0 (Tied for 13th)
- Dial- 10 (Tied for 7th)
- Cost- 17.75 (1st)
- Capabilities- 7.5 (16th)
11th Place – Kihraxz
- Overall- 10.250
- Health- 5.50 (Tied for 10th)
- Dial- 10 (Tied for 7th)
- Cost- 13.0 (Tied for 6th)
- Capabilities- 12.5 (Tied for 8th)
10th Place – Firespray
- Overall- 10.625
- Health- 12.0 (3rd)
- Dial- 10 (Tied for 7th)
- Cost- 6.5 (16th)
- Capabilities- 14 (3rd)
9th Place – M12-L Kimogila
- Overall- 10.938
- Health- 9.0 (9th)
- Dial- 9 (Tied for 11th)
- Cost- 12.75 (8th)
- Capabilities- 13 (Tied for 5th)
Tied for 6th Place – M3-A Scyk
- Overall- 11.375
- Health- 3.5 (16th)
- Dial- 12 (6th)
- Cost- 17.5 (2nd)
- Capabilities- 12.5 (Tied for 8th)
Tied for 6th Place – StarViper
- Overall- 11.375
- Health- 5.50 (Tied for 10th)
- Dial- 14 (5th)
- Cost- 12.5 (9th)
- Capabilities- 13.5 (4th)
Tied for 6th Place – Protectorate
- Overall- 11.375
- Health- 4.0 (15th)
- Dial- 16 (Tied for 2nd)
- Cost- 13.0 (Tied for 6th)
- Capabilities- 12.5 (Tied for 8th)
5th Place – YV-666
- Overall- 11.50
- Health- 15.0 (1st)
- Dial- 9 (Tied for 12th)
- Cost- 9.0 (13th)
- Capabilities- 13 (Tied for 5th)
4th Place – Scurrg H-6
- Overall- 11.75
- Health- 12.5 (2nd)
- Dial- 10 (Tied for 7th)
- Cost- 11.5 (12th)
- Capabilities- 13 (Tied for 5th)
3rd Place – Aggressor
- Overall- 12.125
- Health- 10.0 (Tied for 6th)
- Dial- 16 (Tied for 2nd)
- Cost- 7.0 (15th)
- Capabilities- 15.5 (1st)
2nd Place – Lancer
- Overall- 12.625
- Health- 11.5 (4th)
- Dial- 16 (Tied for 2nd)
- Cost- 7.25 (14th)
- Capabilities- 15 (2nd)
1st Place – Jumpmaster 5000
- Overall- 12.625 (Pre-nerf 13.125)
- Health- 11.0 (5th)
- Dial- 17 (1st)
- Cost- 10.5 (12th)
- Capabilities- 12 (11th)
- Pre-nerf- 14 (Tied for 3rd)
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Wayne Basta
Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, .
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