Rogue Squadron- Separatist Aces

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In

Nantex Class Starfighter “Sun Fac” (Nantex Expansion Pack) (78ts) (I6)

While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is tractored, roll 1 additional attack die. 

Pinpoint Tractor Array: You cannot rotate your Turret to your Rear Arc. After you execute a maneuver, you may gain 1 tractor token to perform a Rotate action.

  • Talent- Ensnare (Wave 5): At the end of the Activation Phase, if you are tractored, you may choose 1 ship in your Turret arc at range 0-1. Transfer 1 tractor token to it.

Nantex Class Starfighter “Chertek” (Nantex Expansion Pack) (49ts) (I4)

While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is tractored, you may reroll up to 2 attack dice. 

Pinpoint Tractor Array: You cannot rotate your Turret to your Rear Arc. After you execute a maneuver, you may gain 1 tractor token to perform a Rotate action.

  • Talent- Ensnare (Wave 5): At the end of the Activation Phase, if you are tractored, you may choose 1 ship in your Turret arc at range 0-1. Transfer 1 tractor token to it.

Belbullab-22 “General Grievous” (Servants of Strife Expansion Pack) (60ts) (I4)

While you perform a primary attack, if you are not in the defender’s firing arc, you may reroll up to 2 attack dice.

  • Modification- Impervium Plating (Wave 5): Charges: 2. Before you would be dealt a faceup Ship damage card, you may spend 1 Charge to discard it instead.
  • Talent- Outmaneuver (Wave 1): While you perform a Forward Arc attack, if you are not in the defender’s firing arc, the defender rolls 1 fewer defense die.
  • Title- Soulless One (Wave 3): +2 Hull. While you defend, if the attacker is outside your firing arc, you may reroll 1 defense die.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

The idea for the list was really about Sun Fac. He’s quite expensive all by himself. You could fly him with a droid swarm of some variety. But that’s kind of boring. Why not try and make a real ace list? Grievous has potential though he hasn’t seen much fame yet. This is a list that can die easily at only fifteen health. Grievous will survive the longest thanks to almost as much health as the other two combined and Impervium Plating. But he can still drop quickly. Careful flying will be required.

You need to bait your opponent with Grievous. They do not want him behind them. But if they ignore the Nantex, they will have a bad time once they get tractored all over the place. When you have the two Nantex, you can even get your special tractor abilities to trigger against medium bases. If Sun Fac is the last one remaining, and he’s not facing a medium or large base, he’ll wreck face so if they’re smart, your opponent will go for him first. Punish them with Grievous.


You have 13 points available for this list. Much of it you’ll want to keep for a bid. But there are several variations you could make. First, you could turn Chertek into Berwer to give yourself an I5 instead of an I4. You won’t have any use for Berwer’s pilot ability and Chertek’s is really good. You could also drop Soulless One from Grievous in order to give him Kraken so that he can Calculate and make use of Berwer’s ability. Unfortunately, the Belbullab has terrible options for clearing stress.

The best option for those 13points is using the two open Talent slots on the Nantek. Predator on Sun Fac is cheap, still preserving a good bid. Or Snap Shot on one of them to further control your opponent’s maneuver options. Gravitic Deflection or Treacherous are both also good options.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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