Rogue Squadron- Silver Squadron

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In (Extended)

M3-A Scyk Interceptor “Sunny Bounder” (Wave 5) (30 pts) (I2)

While you defend or perform an attack, after you roll or reroll your dice, if you have the same result on each of your dice, you may add 1 matching result.

  • Cannon- Autoblaster (Wave 4): Attack (2, range 1-2): If the defender is in your Bullseye, roll 1 additional die. During the Neutralize Results step, if you are not in the defender’s Forward Arc, Evade results do not cancel Crit results.

M12-L Kimogila “Torani Kulda” (Conversion Kit) (50 pts) (I4)

After you perform an attack, each enemy ship in your Bullseye suffers 1 damage unless it removes 1 green token.

Dead to Rights: While you perform an attack, if the defender is in your Bullseye, defense dice cannot be modified using green tokens.

  • Talent- Predator (Wave 1): While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is in your Bullseye, you may reroll 1 attack die.

Kihraxz “Graz” (Conversion Kit) (56 pts) (I4)

While you defend, if you are behind the attacker, roll 1 additional defense die.

While you perform an attack, if you are behind the defender, roll 1 additional attack die.

  • Illicit- Cloaking Device (Wave 1):Charge: 2 Action: Spend 1 Charge to perform a Cloak action. At the start of the Planning Phase, roll 1 attack die. On an Evade result, decloak or discard your cloak token.
  • Talent- Outmaneuver (Wave 1): While you perform a Forward Arc attack, if you are not in the defender’s firing arc, the defender rolls 1 fewer defense die.

Starviper Attack Platform “Dalan Oberos” (Conversion Kit) (64 pts) (I4)

After you fully execute a maneuver, you may gain 1 stress token to rotate your ship 90º.

Microthrusters: While you perform a barrel roll, you must use the bank template instead of the straight template.

  • Sensor- Advanced Sensors (Wave 1): After you reveal your dial, you may perform 1 action. If you do, you cannot perform another action during your activation.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

More fun with the M3. I got to painting a group of Scum ships in the same paint scheme which I thought looked good on them. So I naturally had to make a squadron to fly them in.

You want to split Graz and Sunny up. That way when they swing in onto your enemy, one of them is in the rear of their ships. Sunny would be able to get crits through defense dice or Graz would get bonus attack dice. Ideally, they both end up behind but you can’t have everything. If Sunny is really lucky, when he rolls crits, he rolls double crits and gets to turn that into three crits.

Graz will likely be the target they go after instead of Sunny. Cloaking Device is his way of evening those odds and potentially escaping a trap. Or using the decloak ability to shift him around enough to end up behind his quarry.

Torani aims to go right down their throat and get as many ships as he can into bullseye. This is not exactly easy at I4 on a ship with no ability to boost. But here at least the medium base helps. Barrel rolling with the short end can help get bullseye because you don’t move your base as much to the side. It’s amazing how often a ship is just out of bullseye and then barrel rolling only puts them just out of bullseye but from the opposite side.

Dalan’s your wildcard. With Advanced Sensors he’s one slippery bastard. He can take an action, maneuver and then rotate 90 degrees. And that first action can be a boost or side slooping barrel roll. That can put him into far to many positions for your opponent to reliably consider. She’ll have to go for very big kill boxes to have a reasonable chance of catching Dalan unaware, which gives you other ships freedom to gang up.

This is a list of mostly I4’s so it’s still prone to being outmaneuvered. Likewise, none of the ships are particularly sturdy and if they get into a bad spot with a swarm, they will get eaten alive. It will require the finesse of ace play without the initiative advantage of true aces. But, you do have four of them.


Dalan with Advanced Sensors is the same price as Guri with nothing. Guri is undeniably awesome and I5. So worth considering, though Dalan built this way is very fun.

Torani will want to barrel roll some so switching out Predator for Expert Handling is worth considering. Unfortunately, it’s one point more expensive so you will need to trim something else. Outmaneuver would be the best candidate. Strip it and switch and you have five points which gives you a number of options. Lonewolf on Dalan or Graz isn’t terrible. It’s not ideal in a four ship list but since you’ll be flying them all independently it might trigger more than you’d think. If you give it to Dalan, he can hang back as your ace in the hole for endgame.

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Wayne Basta

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