Rogue Squadron- Skystrike Academy

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In (Extended)

TIE Interceptor  “Commandant Goran” (44 pts) (I4)

After a friendly ship at range 0-3 with a lower initiative than yours partially executes a maneuver, it may perform a red Focus action.

Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may perform a red Boost or red Barrel Roll action.

  • Talent – Ruthless
    • While you perform an attack, you may choose another friendly ship at range 0-1 of the defender. If you do, that ship suffers 1 Hit damage and you may change 1 of your die results to a Hit result.

TIE Interceptor  “Nash Windrider” (40 pts) (I2)

During the Engagement Phase, after a friendly small ship at range 0-3 is destroyed, if that ship has not engaged this phase, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, that ship engages at the current initiative.

Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may perform a red Boost or red Barrel Roll action.

  • None

TIE Fighter “Wampa” (28 pts) (I1)

While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 Charge to roll 1 additional attack die. After defending, lose 1 Charge.

  • None

4x TIE Fighter “Academy Pilot” (22 pts) (I1)


  • None

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

This is a variation on the classic TIE swarm using some new pilots from Skystrike Academy. Commandant Goran has an ability that helps mitigate one of the challenges swarms have, namely losing actions due to bumping. Whether it’s a misjudged maneuver that causes the swarm to crash into themselves, or a deliberate bump to cost your opponent an action, the swarm often loses out on an action when they get to engage at range 1. With Goran, the swarm can collide with impunity and still come out focused. They do get stressed, which can be problematic if you want to K-turn next turn, so you won’t want to use it at every opportunity.

Skystrike also introduced Nash Windrider who helps another swarm problem. Namely, dying before they get to shoot. With Nash’s ability, at the very least, the first ship to die will still get to shoot, even one of those measly I1’s.

Both Nash and Goran’s abilities work all the way out to range 3 with no arc restrictions. This makes them a perfect support flanker. They can make good use of being in Interceptors and dance around on the flanks of your opponent. Your opponent can choose to go after the named pilots with abilities or the swarm of five TIE Fighters. Wamps helps mess with target priority as well. Your opponent will want to shoot him to deny him the bonus attack die so you can use that. Make him the most difficult TIE to shoot.


You can switch out Wampa for another generic Academy Pilot and you’ll have six points available to spend on some upgrades for Nash or Goran. This would be enough for Targeting Computers for both of them. You can also ditch Ruthless for a one point bid, but it’s rare that it would matter. You’re not flying aces.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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