Rogue Squadron – Space Cows

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In

Lambda Class T4-a Shuttle “Captain Kagi” (Wave 1) (71 pts) (I4)

At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 or more friendly ships at range 0-3. If you do, transfer all enemy lock tokens from the chosen ships to you.

  • Crew- Moff Jerjerrod (Empire Conversion Kit): Charges: 2 (Reoccurring). During the System Phase, you may spend 2 Charges. If you do, choose the forward or bank speed 1 template. Each friendly ship may perform a red Boost action using that template.
  • Crew- Agent Kallus (Empire Conversion Kit): Setup: Assign the Hunted condition to 1 enemy ship. While you perform an attack against the ship with the Hunted condition, you may change 1 of your Focus results to a Crit result.
    • Hunted: After you are destroyed, you must choose another friendly ship and assign this condition to it, if able.
  • Sensor- Collision Detector (Wave 1): Charges: 2 While you boost or barrel roll, you can move through and overlap obstacles. After you move through or overlap an obstacle, you may spend 1 Charge to ignore its effects until the end of the round.

Lambda Class T4-a Shuttle “Colonel Jendon” (Wave 1) (63 pts) (I3)

At the start of the Activation Phase, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, while friendly ships acquire locks this round, they must acquire locks beyond range 3 instead of at range 0-3.

  • Crew- Director Krennic (TIE Reaper Expansion): Adds Lock Action. Setup: Before placing forces, assign the Optimized Prototype condition to another friendly ship.
    • Optimized Prototype– While you perform a Forward Arc primary attack against a ship locked by a friendly ship with the Director Krennic upgrade, you may spend 1 Focus/Hit/Crit result. If you do, choose one: the defender loses 1 shield or the defender flips 1 of its facedown damage cards.
  • Crew- Grand Moff Tarkin (Empire Conversion Kit): Requires Lock Action. Charges: 2 (Reoccurring) During the System Phase, you may spend 2 Charges. If you do, each friendly ship may acquire a lock on a ship that you have locked.
  • Sensor- Collision Detector (Wave 1): Charges: 2 While you boost or barrel roll, you can move through and overlap obstacles. After you move through or overlap an obstacle, you may spend 1 Charge to ignore its effects until the end of the round.

Lambda Class T4-a Shuttle “Lieutenant Sai” (Wave 1) (62 pts) (I3)

After you a perform a Coordinate action, if the ship you chose performed an action on your action bar, you may perform that action.

  • Crew- Admiral Sloane (Empire Conversion Kit): After another friendly ship at range 0-3 defends, if it is destroyed, the attacker gains 2 stress tokens. While a friendly ship at range 0-3 performs an attack against a stressed ship, it may reroll 1 attack die.
  • Sensor- Collision Detector (Wave 1): Charges: 2 While you boost or barrel roll, you can move through and overlap obstacles. After you move through or overlap an obstacle, you may spend 1 Charge to ignore its effects until the end of the round.
  • Title- ST-321 (Empire Conversion kit): After you perform a Coordinate action, you may choose an enemy ship at range 0-3 of the ship you coordinated. If you do, acquire a lock on that enemy ship, ignoring range restrictions.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

I came up with this list when working on the Imperial crew upgrade guide. Moff Jerjerrod is a crew nobody has really talked much about. Which is a shame because he effectively gives your whole squad supernatural reflexes. Free boosts all around. Which is particularly interesting now that there is no other way for medium/large ships to be able to boost. Small ships can take Afterburners, but not the big ships.

So I thought about the Imperial large ships and zeroed in on Lambdas. Because what’s more ridiculous than a bunch of boosting Lambdas? Lambdas that can boost right through an asteroid field and not care, that’s what. Collision Detector allows the huge footprint of these Lambdas to boost wherever they want, setting up some unexpected maneuvers. The addition of the rear arc really opens up their choices because now you can’t just get behind them and win.

I flew this list against Whisper/Redline/Soontir twice. The first time, I got torn apart. As should probably happen most of the time. Redline chucking bombs and Whisper just never getting in arc. With the large bases, Soontir had a field day, able to trigger his ability with ease.

The second time we played, I had worked out some of the list’s kinks. That red hard turn is still killer. And I shifted some of the crew around between the shuttles. Jendon is your sacrifice. He passes out Locks early and then doesn’t really have anything to contribute. Sai is your buffer as well as your Sloane carrier so he doesn’t want to die first. Kagi eats the torpedoes.

I moved the shuttles in, going slow to avoid the bombs chucked across the map. He maneuvered and came at me from all sides. A perfect envelopment. Until my shuttles boosted right onto the rocks and then spread out. Soontir ended up in arc of all three with no way to escape. Redline bumped and ate her own bombs. From there we played leapfrog, never giving him the same shuttle to shoot at.


The squadron listed here is not the list I flew, as it was flown before the 1.1 Points Update. This list is compatible with that. The points came down by three net points, resulting in enough points to add ST-321 to the list.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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