Rogue Squadron- Target Acquired

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…

All Wings Report In

Quadjumper “Sarco Plank”  (Quadjumper Expansion) (24 pts) (PS 7)

When defending, instead of using your agility value, you may roll a number of defense dice equal to the speed of the maneuver you executed this round.

  • Elite Pilot Talent- Veteran Instincts (Sabine’s TIE/Millenium Falcon/Slave-1/Shadow Caster Expansion): Increase your pilot skill value by 2.
  • Tech- Targeting Synchronizer (Upsilon Shuttle Expansion)- When a friendly ship at Range 1-2 is attacking a ship you have locked, the friendly ship treats the “Attack (target lock):” header as “Attack:.” If a game effect instructs that ship to spend a target lock, it may spend your target lock instead.
  • Modification- Targeting Computer (Imperial Aces Expansion)- Your action bar gains the Target Lock action icon.

4x Z-95 “Binayre Pirate”  (Most Wanted Expansion) (19 pts) (PS 1)


  • Illicit- Scavenger Crane (Quadjumper Expansion): After a ship at Range 1-2 is destroyed, you may choose a discarded Missile, Bomb, Torpedo, Cannon, Turret or Modification Upgrade card that was equipped to your ship and flip it faceup. Then roll 1 attack die. On a blank result, discard Scavenger Crane.
  • Missile- Homing Missile (Multiple Expansion): Attack 4 (target lock, range 2-3): Discard this card to perform this attack. The defender cannot spend evade tokens during this attack.
  • Modification- Guidance Chips (Punishing One/Inquisitor’s TIE Expansion)- Once per round, when attacking with a Missile or Torpedo secondary weapon, you may change 1 die result to a Hit result (or a Crit result if your primary weapon value is “3” or higher).

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

This list developed when I was pondering how best to make use of Targeting Synchronizer. The first answer that comes to mind was Homing Missile. You don’t have to discard the target lock so multiple ships can benefit. The cheapest way to get a Homing Missile on the table is a Z-95. The Rebels don’t have a cheap carrier with a Tech slot but now Scum do. And because it’s Scum you can also use the Scavenger Crane and get at least two uses out of each of your missiles.

You’ll want to fly this group in a pretty standard swarm formation, trying to engage your opponent with all your ships. The Z-95s all want to take a focus and then, moving at PS 7, your Quadjumper gets the group’s target lock. You run the risk of him dying before the Z-95s shoot but he does have five hull and if you went speed three Sarco is protected by three green dice.

After the first engagement your Z-95s have probably killed something and Sarco hopefully lives to the beginning of the next round. That way when he dies all the Z-95s get their missiles back. They are on their own at that point but you should outnumber your enemy and continue to have missiles available as long as Scavenger Crane doesn’t blank out to early.


There are lot of different ways you can build the Quadjumper. Constable Zuvio with Adaptability would work if you prefer PS 8 over 7. But you’ll get no use out of his pilot skill ability. A Jakku Gunrunner would allow you to put a Weapons Engineer aboard so he could paint two different target locks for the Z-95 swarm. But then you would run the risk of being out of range to get a target lock since your pilot skill would be as low as the Z95s.

You could also just say screw it to the Quadjumper, replace it with another Z-95 and bump them all to PS 3 Black Sun Soldiers.

Unfortunately there is no other ship that is cheap (sub 20pts) that has an ordnance slot, EPT, and Illicit. Otherwise you could forgo the Targeting Synchronizer ship for just taking Deadeye on all the little ships.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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