Rogue Squadron- Vonreg’s Elite

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In (Extended)

TIE/ba Interceptor “Major Vonreg” (Wave 6) (59ts) (I6)

During the System Phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship in your Bullseye. That ship gains 1 deplete or strain token of your choice.

Fine-Tuned Thrusters: After you fully execute a maneuver, if you are not depleted or strained, you may gain 1 deplete or strain token to perform a Lock or Barrel Roll action.

  • Talent- Daredevil (Wave 1): While you perform a white Boost action, you may treat it as red to use the 1 bank template instead.

TIE/fo “Midnight” (First Order Conversion Kit) (44ts) (I6)

While you defend or perform an attack, if you have a lock on the enemy ship, that ship’s dice cannot be modified.

  • Talent- Fanatical (First Order Conversion Kit): While you perform a primary attack, if you are not shielded, you may change 1 Focus result to a Hit result.

TIE/sf “Quickdraw” (First Order Conversion Kit) (66ts) (I6)

After you lose a shield, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, you may perform a bonus primary attack.

Heavy Weapon Turret: You can rotate your Turret indicator only to your Front or Rear. You must treat the requirement of your equipped Missile upgrades as Turret arc.

  • Gunner- Special Forces Gunner (FO Conversion Kit):
    • While you perform a primary Front Arc attack, if your Turret is in your Front Arc, you may roll 1 additional attack die.
    • After you perform a primary Front Arc attack, if your Turret is in your Rear Arc, you may perform a bonus primary  attack
  • Sensor- Fire Control System (Wave 1): While you perform an attack, if you have a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1 attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your lock during this attack.
  • Tech- Deuterium Power Cells (Wave 6): Charges: 2. During the System Phase, you may spend 1 Charge and gain 1 disarm token to recover 1 Shield. Before you would gain 1 non-lock token, if you are not stressed, you may spend 1 Charge to gain 1 stress token instead.

TIE/fo “Null” (First Order Conversion Kit) (44ts) (I0)

While you are not damaged, treat your initiative value as 7.

  • None



Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

You ever wanted to fly four I6’s? How about three and an I7 instead? The First Order is the only faction where this is possible. Major Vonreg brought the First Order up to three native I6 pilots, on par with Rebels and Scum. The difference here is twofold. First, the other three I6 factions have pilots in large bases. This makes it a little harder for them to capitalize on being an ace and arc dodging. All of the FO’s aces are small base. Second, the FO also has access to two pilots that effectively change their initiative; Null and Rush. While Rush is a point to expensive to include with the other three I6’s, Null fits just fine. Technically, you can do a four ship build for Scum, using the Autopilot drone, but that’s essentially just an upgrade for the Falcon.

Is four I6+ ships any good? The only real arc dodging ace in the lot is Vonreg. The other three are still fairly maneuverable and can barrel roll out of arc. The main advantage you get from them all is four attacks before almost anyone else gets to shoot. That gives you good odds for initiative killing someone.

Your goal is to try to bait them with Quickdraw and make them sweat the idea of shooting him and giving you a fifth attack. Now that he has Deuterium Power Cells he has the chance to run away and get those shields back for later use. Though, he may still be better off with just a shield or stealth device upgrade. It would truly suck to recover a shield and then lose it while you’re disarmed.

Midnight is another bait option as she can Lock the biggest threat preventing them from modifying the attack against her. This leaves Null and Vonreg to evade and come in from behind or the sides. Vonreg will be good at this. Null will definitely get to move last for the first few rounds. Once he’s damaged though he becomes a blocker.

The biggest drawback to this list is, even though you have four ships all likely firing first, you don’t have any special offensive bonus mods and half your attacks are two dice.


There is a lot of variation you can do with this build.  It comes out to only 199 and the Fanatical, Daredevil, FCS, and Deuterium Power Supply are all flexible upgrades to remove. Go for a sixteen point bid if you really want. You could trade them all in for a shield upgrade on Null and Quickdraw. Or give Null a Stealth Device. All of that’s a matter of preference. 

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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