Romilar’s Intelligence Report – Friend or Foe?

Loorak Beton-Watt Crude Image Courtesy of Mark Hudon and The Moon Swing Chronicles

Name: Lorrak Beton-Watt Crude
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Lianna (Allied Tion Sector)
Known Associates: Belloq the Hutt (Black Sun Crimelord), Ertan Scellan (Black Sun Bounty Hunter)
Base of Operations: Zennox, Tion Sector
Suspected or Potential Threat: The subject although seemingly working with the Black Sun crime syndicate, it is suspected that he in actuality conspiring against them. Assessments of the subject indicate that he poses no immediate threat to Rebel Alliance resources or operatives. The subject has been identified as a reasonable supplier of weapons and vehicles suitable for the Alliance’s needs, although precaution is recommended when dealing with this individual due to his political proximity to Black Sun and several outlaw mercenary gangs.
Threat Register: Low (connections with Black Sun)
Submitter: General Hannibal Romilar
Submitter’s Personal Addendum: Several of my teams have had dealings with this individual, including one of the pilots who informs me that they have personal loan to the subject, gained whilst she was a smuggle, before she joined the Alliance. I will be briefed on any implications this may have to her cell and if she is somehow compromised by her involvement with the subject.

Background Checks and Intelligence Data: Lorrak started his life of crime and vice as a small time crook in the shadows of the underworld, specifically that of Arcan IV in the Cronese Mandate Sector. After only a short time in the business, Lorrak made contacts within the underground community, and soon was able to develop his own black market ring and underground network. Lorrak’s keen eye for business enabled him to rise to be a main player in the Sector’s underworld. His rise to fame did not go unnoticed though as his main competitor, Essurma the Hutt, an alleged member of the notorious crime syndicate Black Sun, kept a watchful eye on this young entrepreneur. The Hutt waited patiently for the right time to approach Lorrak with a lucrative business proposition. When Lorrak declined the offer initially, Essurma was outraged, and a small turf war began between the agents of Lorrak and the Hutt.

The clash of the two organisations continued for several weeks before Lorrak realized that the resources that the Hutt had at his command would quickly be his undoing. Contacts were switching sides, and smugglers were taking their business elsewhere. Lorrak knew that Black Sun was working against him both openly, and subversively, and he could do little but surrender to the will of this behemoth. Lorrak eventually approached Essurma, asking for a truce to enable him to gather his business associates, and leave the sector. The Hutt though had other plans.

Essurma offered the entrepreneur a compromise by giving him a position within his organisation as his lead business adviser. The Hutt could see the young man’s business acumen exceeded even his own, and viewed his worth as a potential asset to be acquired, rather than as a rival who needed to be removed. Lorrak agreed to his proposal and with that was given one of the Hutt’s less used, but highly exquisite, retreats on the tranquil world of Zennox. The change of location only interrupted Lorrak’s business for a short time, and gave him the opportunity to establish ways that he could “skim” profits that would otherwise line the Hutt’s pockets.

With the local Imperial Governor paid off, the word soon spread of Lorrak’s haven on Zennox where illegal goods could be bought and sold under the safety of his hospitality. Profits were high for the now would-be crime lord, and the Hutt who had placed him there was kept appeased with regular tributes from Lorrak’s business dealings. The contributions he made to the Hutt however were a more watered down version of their original value thanks again in part to Lorrak’s skills in forgery and his ability to massage his own accounting records.

Decadence was what now surrounded Lorrak, but as time progressed, his followers saw Lorrak become more aloof. Reports indicated that Lorrak held some sort of guilt over the disappearance of his former lover El’Za D’Bro, a Twi’lek woman sold into slavery. Feeling the plight of the Twi’leks, Lorrak has used some of his laundered profits to buy the freedom of many Twi’Lek slaves. Consequently he has become well respected in the Ryloth resistance, with many of those he rescues entering into the service of the resistance leaders. This respect has also guaranteed Lorrak many a hired hand not aligned with him purely for profit, but through loyalty. This connection has never been verified, and it is rumored only his personal attaché, a Herglic named Rubaas, knows the truth. What can be confirmed are his strong ties to several resistance leaders on Ryloth he he meets with regularly.

With his palace business venture proving fruitful, Lorrak decided to reach out to the Bounty Hunters, Slicers and Smugglers that were the recipients of his hospitality. He offered a “loan” service to those who needed additional funds, and with smugglers ever eager to equip their vessels in the latest upgrades, even further profits flowed into his personal coffers from the interest the loans generated. The crime-lord’s contact network exponentially grew, and soon he controlled a substantial slice of the underground community in the surrounding sectors. This was a circumstance not lost on Essurma or the leaders of Black Sun, and rumors persist that Black Sun is watching Lorrak’s even more closely than before.

Lorrak’s biggest asset is having control of the Delta-20 space station since the departure of its former administrator. This helped control the flow of contraband through the sector, although Lorrak was careful not to infringe on the profits of his Hutt counterpart, who by now was being seen more as an equal than as his immediate superior. How this threat to Essurma’s authority will be dealt with by the Hutt, or by Black Sun, are yet to be revealed.

If there is one thing that has remained with Lorrak the longest, it would be his ship the Ulturru Corporation Space Yacht named “The Crude Comment”. The vessel is adorned with display cases containing countless ancient weapons and artwork from around the galaxy, the two things that he loves most. Lorrak has been known to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to obtain unique and rare items including, as it is rumored, several lightsabers.

Lorrak’s most recent achievement is to set up an undisclosed base of operations back on Arcan IV. What this action is meant to achieve is unknown at this point, but it is undoubtedly part of a plot to gain back the slice of the underground market that was once rightfully his.

Personality Profile: The subject is a narcissist to the extreme, selfish and has little regard for those who cannot enjoy his charm and wit. He is a cunning and shrewd businessman, and his reputation is not to be taken lightly. The subject is not to be underestimated under any circumstances, and it is advised that a thorough brief be completed before any negotiations are conducted with this individual. The subject is callous and unforgiving when it comes to debt, and believes in swift action against those who fail to meet their obligations. Intelligence has led us to believe that the subject does have a soft-spot for Twi’leks due in part to a former love interest lost to slavery many years ago. The subject consequently loathes dealing with slavers, which is most likely his only redeeming quality. The subject has been known to go so far as to seize any vessels even rumored to be dealing in this despicable trade. The subject is obsessed with appearance, in particular that of his fez, which always adorns his head in public. He is also known to have an extensive collection of rare and exquisite objects. Operatives who intend dealing with the subject should attempt to obtain a unique item as a gift to enable transactions to be conducted more smoothly.


Skills: Cool 3, Deception 4, Discipline 3, Knowledge (Core Worlds) 2, Knowledge (Education) 3, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 2, Knowledge (Underworld) 4, Leadership 2, Negotiation 4, Ranged (Light) 1, Skulduggery 4, Streetwise 4
Talents: Adversary 2 (Upgrade the difficulty of any combat check targeting this character twice), Bad Cop 2 (May spend from a Deception or Coercion check to upgrade ability of a single ally’s subsequent Social Interaction check against the target twice), It’ll Cost You (Once per session, the character may locate any item required whether illegal or legal. The cost of this item requires “payment” in the form of a Favor Obligation of 5, along with a payment in credits of 150% of the base cost of the item sought. Failing to comply with these conditions results in an additional 5 Obligation), Know Somebody 3 (Once per session, when attempting to purchase a legally available item, reduce its rarity by 3), Natural Merchant (Once per session, may re-roll any 1 Streetwise or Negotiation check), Nobody’s Fool 2 (Upgrade difficulty of incoming Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks twice).
Equipment: Holdout Blaster (Ranged (Light), [Short], Damage 5, Critical 4, Stun Setting), hand crafted opulent robes (Soak 2, hidden compartments), Comlink, Datapad.

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Born and raised in Queensland, Australia, Ian has been a huge fan of gaming since way back in the dark ages of 1985 when he was 13. His first game EVER was the original Top Secret RPG by TSR and soon after, original D&D. His first GMing gig started in 1987, when West End Games released its first version of the Star Wars RPG using the D6 system. Ian is a former Police Officer but has since retired from active duty. Ian took his passion for games to the next level by running Gen Con Australia in 2008 and 2009, and was involved in the inaugural PAXAUS in 2013. Ian enjoys running all manner of board games, card games and RPGs as well as spending time with his son. Ian is now the Host of The Dice Pool Podcast covering the Genesys Role Playing Game.