It’s almost here. Spirit of Rebellion expansion for Star Wars Destiny hits store shelves tomorrow. Between FFG preview articles, leaks and the pre-release event all of the cards have been spoiled. I haven’t looked at them all yet; I enjoy discovering the cards as part of the process of opening the packs for the first time. But I’m not completely immune to spoilers either. So for our final 24hrs of waiting for the release, I am going to take a look at the six generic characters that are coming to the game.
TIE Pilot (Red Villain)
- This card can really shut down a dice removal deck
- Having two different TIE Pilot dice (from two characters or Training Upgrade) means they protect each other
- Can pair two with Elite General Veers for strong support damage
- Dice that show +damage are safe to keep around as your single regular damage dice can’t be removed
- Dice facings can still be changed
- 7 Health
Death Trooper (Red Villain)
- Good health to cost ratio
- Strong offensive consistency
- No resource cost
- No special ability
- Majority results have a value of one
Royal Guard (Blue Villain)
- Straightforward and consistent. You’re either getting shields or dealing damage
- Guardian for Villains
- Holocron can still give them Abilities despite the restriction
- Priced to pair with regular Palpatine
- Not particularly exciting?
Guavian Enforcer (Yellow Villain)
- Ability gives the die value no matter the die result. Nothing to pair with the + or a blank? Just remove a shield
- Nine health for only eight points. One of the few characters to have more health than their cost
- The die isn’t very good. Between the three + and a blank, only two sides can be used by themselves
Rebel Commando (Red Hero)
- Ability removes dice
- Pairs well with several different archetypes
- Good health to cost ratio
- Three would make a decent build
- Special ability costs resources
Jedi Acolyte (Blue Hero)
- Lots of Focus to help other more valuable dice
- Pairs well with lots of things as it has several different symbols (Focus, Melee, Resources, Discard)
- Nine points for only seven health
- Most sides only have a value of one natively
Outer Rim Smuggler (Yellow Hero)
- Solid dice, no + symbols or resource costs
- Pairs well with mill or damage decks
- Seven health