Tabletop Tuesday – Squad Building with GM Brev: In the Face!

For the first in a new series on squad building for the Imperial Assault skirmish game, GM Brev takes a look at getting in your opponent’s face and slapping them hard. HARD.

First off, some of the skirmish squad building basics:

  • Choose either Rebels or Imperials
  • Total deployment points for cards cannot exceed 40
  • Choose 15 Command Cards, which have to total 15 points exactly

After that, you’re ready to begin!

For this first squad “In the Face!” we have:

Rebel Deployment Cards:

  • Biv Bodhrik (9 deployment cost)
  • Echo Base Troopers – Elite (8 deployment cost)
  • Leia Organa (8 deployment cost)
  • Loku Kanoloa (4 deployment cost)
  • Mak Eshka’rey (3 deployment cost)
  • Verena Talos (8 deployment cost)

Command Cards:

  • Counter Attack (cost 2)
  • Cripple (cost 2)
  • Dirty Trick (cost 2)
  • Master Operative (cost 2)
  • Parting Blow (cost 2)
  • Stay Down (cost 2)
  • Behind Enemy Lines (cost 1)
  • Collect Intel (cost 1)
  • Price on Their Heads (cost 1)
  • Celebration (cost 0)
  • Expose Weakness (cost 0)
  • Planning (cost 0)
  • Recovery (cost 0)
  • Take Cover (cost 0)
  • Take Initiative (cost 0)

The trick with this group is to rush up next to your opponent as quickly as possible. Three of the deployment cards (Biv, the Troopers, and Verena) all gain a special ability the closer they are to their target.

  • Biv can make a melee attack and then a ranged attack against the same target
  • The Troopers can switch their blue die for a red die (increasing the damage potential)
  • If Verena rolls a surge she can perform a melee attack with a red die against an adjacent foe which adds to the roll previous so there is no defense die rolled against it.

Meanwhile, Loku and Mak’s ranged attacks ignore figures when tracing line of sight, which means they can stay further back, out of harm’s way, shooting past their allies and targeting the enemy figures. Leia can then use her “Battlefield Leadership” to not only perform an attack, but then provides another friendly piece the opportunity to attack as well. On her activation! And if she rolls a surge she can heal, keeping her in the skirmish longer.

Depending on the Command Cards you draw, your figures have the ability to dish out additional damage to adjacent foes, gain immediate VPs, and even look at your opponent’s Command Cards, either in their hand or their deck.

The trick with this squad is to move quickly into melee range and hit your opponent hard. Biv, the Troopers, and Verena should be on the front line leading the charge with Leia nearby to provide an additional attack. Don’t rush Loku or Mak up into the fray; keep them back.  The amount of damage you can do in this situation is incredible. Another thing to remember with this team is Leia can heal, therefore don’t worry if she takes damage. If you need a piece to take a punch, she’s your lady.

I’ve played this team a few times and they are fun! I hope you have as much fun as I had.

Next time, look for an Imperial squad!

Until next time, I’ll roll with ya’ll real soon!


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Software designer, gamer, screenwriter, comic book writer, novelist, and game designer who loves a good story and to have a good time. I might come across as flippant and sarcastic, but that's because I am. I don't take too much seriously.