Star Trek Adventures: Stardate 49011.4 Part 3 of 3 (Scenes 3 & 4)

Stardate 49011.4

By Garrett Crowe

For the Star Trek Adventures RPG by Modiphius

This adventure is serialized. Set a Course for: Part 1/Intro & Scene 1 or Part 2/Scene 2. WARP SPEED! (Linda, Copy Editor)

Scene 3: Tribbles Aren’t as Slimy as Ferengi

The crew are alerted that a runabout has just been stolen from a nearby docking bay. They’re directed to another runabout on the station: the Harrison.

When the crew clears the station, the Ferengi runabout, the Starr, is in Long Range from the Harrison. The Ferengi are headed into deep space, where a Ferengi Luxury Ship, the Triple Down, comes out of warp to pick up the Ynas and Nint, who are on the Starr. If it looks like the Starr will not make it to the Triple Down, the luxury ship will return to warp, abandoning Ynas and Nint, protecting the Grand Nagus’s powerful agent in charge of this operation.

The Starr and the Triple Down are outside the station’s tractor beam range. It’s up to the crew to defeat Ynas and Nint, avoiding fire coming from the Triple Down. The Triple Down is beyond Long Range from the Starr when it comes out of warp. It will take three rounds before it can reach the luxury yacht, which will not come closer to the space station. Adrevar, the Grand Nagus’s middle man in this affair, isn’t too certain about the range of the tractor beam.

The runabouts can be found in the Core Rulebook on pg. 235. Use the Shuttlecraft statblock.


Ynas and Nint [Notable Characters]

ATTRIBUTES:, Control 8, Fitness 7, Presence 8, Daring 8, Insight 10, Reason 8

DISCIPLINES:: Command 1, Security 1, Science 2, Conn 2, Engineering 2, Medicine –

TRAITS: Ferengi: Ferengi possess acute hearing far beyond that of other humanoid races and are capable of hearing both higher and lower frequencies. However, this means they experience severe pain at intense sound and any physical trauma to their enlarged ears. They also possess hardy immune systems, rendering them immune to many common diseases, but their small stature makes them ill-suited for intense or prolonged exertion and many consider them weak. Ferengi try to avoid hard labor and direct confrontation, leading to a reputation for cowardice. The structure of Ferengi brains renders them immune to telepathy,

Stress 8 Soak 0

Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 [CD] Knockdown, 1H, Non-lethal]

Knife (Melee, 2 [CD], Vicious 1, 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)

TALENTS: The character gains all of the following Talents

Every Man Has His Price: Ynas and Nint gain a bonus die whenever engaged in Social Conflict where the opponent can be bribed, bought or otherwise enticed by monetary gain.

Knowledge Equals Profit: When Ynas or Nint spend Threat to Obtain Information, an additional Threat is added to the Threat pool after all other Threat spends are resolved.


Ferengi Luxury Yacht

SYSTEMS: Comms 10 Engines 11 Structure 9 Computers 9 Sensors 10 Weapons 6

DEPARTMENTS: Command 4 Security 2 Science 1 Conn 1 Engineering 2 Medicine 3

Shields 8 Resistance 3

Crew: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline 2)


Phaser Banks (Energy, Range Medium, 6 [CD], Versatile 2)

Tractor Beam (Strength 2)


  • Improved Impulse Engines (talent)
  • Rugged Design (talent)
  • Diplomatic Suites (talent)

If the Starr is disabled, or the High Stakes leaves without them, Ynas and Nint surrender.


Scene 4: Conclusion

If captured, Ynas and Nint confess their crimes and place the blame on the Grand Nagus’s middle man in the scheme, Adrevar. Federation Security is informed of the espionage attempt and put together a team to capture Adrevar, who is racing across Federation Space to Ferengi Space. The crew might be put on the team to capture Adrevar.

The Klingons destroy their computers after backing everything up. Then, they wordlessly leave the station. Half of it is completely destroyed and will require extensive work to bring it back up to standards.

If the crew managed to capture Ynas and Nint alive, they are praised for their deeds and perhaps given an accommodation. If the Ferengi were killed in a fireball when their runabout exploded, the crew are thanked for keeping the evidence from getting away from the station and into Ferengi hands. Both Klingons and Federation thank the crew for a job well done but still feel a loss as members of the Narendra Station family died.


Further Voyages

The crew are recruited to take part in the mission to capture Adrevar. This is more of a military-style mission and will feel less like Star Trek and more like space marines. The crew are tasked with finding surviving Klingon computers and rescuing some data that proves General Kargan had allowed a Romulan spy on board. But why? A Klingon family contacts the crew who left valuable family mementos on Narendra Station and want them returned. They can’t enter the Shackleton Expanse, and if the crew crosses into the Klingon Empire, it could be taken as an act of war. Finally, a Tribble manages to survive and ends up on the crew’s ship.


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Garrett Crowe is a long-time podcaster. His credits include Threat Detected and Threats From Gallifrey. Currently, he's vidcasting the Cubicle 7 One Ring RPG with Threats From Mirkwood. Garrett's also written the book 30 Treasonous Plots, which provides many nefarious Paranoia adventure seeds. Currently, Garrett's writing Dungeons and Dragons adventures for local conventions.