Last week’s preview of the fan made Rebels source book provided an early look at its first modular encounter. Today we are excited to announce the release of the full version of the project.
Based on the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG system, “Rebels, Spark of Rebellion” was created by several members of the community. Inspired by the Star Wars Rebels television series, the book provides a wide array of new locations, NPCs, equipment, and encounters for players and GMs to enjoy.
The project started when a concept image created by Drathen resulted in enough positive player feedback for him to consider building actual content to match the cover. As the idea was put out, a team formed and work quickly began. Community members Jaspor, MrDodger, WarrenH, Jegergryte, RusakRakesh, and Kesendeja contributed various parts of the writing and editing of the contents, while Drathen led the artwork and layout design. The final product emulates the official FFG source books in both look and contents.
The project will be hosted here on the D20Radio website, with its own dedicated page at linking to the related files and providing details when new versions become available.
The team would like to thank the community for its support throughout the project and we hope that you all find something valuable in the final release.
This is just tremendous. Absolutely gorgeous work from Jaspor and all the contributors!