The Gamer Nation Wants You!

uncle-sam-29972_1280Do you have game? Do you like to talk about gaming? Can you assemble more the three words together into a semi-coherent sentence?

If the answer to two out of three of those questions is YES! then you might be interested in becoming a Contributing Writer for d20 Radio’s Gamer Nation blog!

If you sign up to become a Contributing Writer you will have the chance to write life changing articles about the world of gaming. Write about your favorite games! Learn new games and share your experience learning the ropes. Advise others from the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years*!

And to top it all off you’ll even be paid! Like, a LOT of money**!

Join an exciting team of writers*** and collaborate on expanding the well of gaming knowledge.


Requirements and Qualifications

  • Knowledge (Gaming) level 2
  • Trait: Gamer
  • Talent: Wordsmith
  • Gear: QWERTY Keyboard, Internet Connection, Fingers****
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Email Address
  • Pulse


  • Paid per article on a Quarterly basis (note amount varies)
  • Professional writing experience
  • Top notch staff support
  • Platform to leak your particularly brand of insanity to others on the internet


If interested, please contact “”.


*We assume you’ve made lots of mistakes. You’re reading this article, so you’ve made at least one today. Mistakes generate wisdom right?

**”A LOT of money” is a subjective term. For example, right now you have received $0 from d20 Radio. Anything you receive is “a lot” by comparison. 

***Under advisement of our consul, d20 Radio can not comment on the rumor our articles are generated by a team of monkeys trapped in a room with keyboards.

****A Helper Monkey is acceptable in place of fingers. Helper Monkey will not be provided. Helper Monkey is free to apply independently.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.