The GM Awakens: Dekar Jinn – Smuggler Enforcer

Dekar Jinn's Ship, the "Relentless"

This series follows the trials, tribulations, successes, and failures of a fairly inexperienced GM who has recently picked up the hobby after a long time away. It aims to assist new GM’s by examining what worked, didn’t work, and what failed miserably as he spins up new campaigns, modules, encounters, and adventures for his friends and family in Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force and Destiny system.

In my campaigns, occasionally I’ve created an NPC I’ve been fairly fond of.  One that keeps cropping up to cause trouble for my players and makes them groan when he appears.  This is the case with one of my favorites: Dekar Jinn.  Dekar is a smuggler who began the campaign as an enforcer for a smuggler baron that dealt with my characters.  So, as many of our other writers do, presenting elements which you can drop right into your games, let’s look into the NPC, Dekar Jinn.

Dekar began to work for an Outer Rim smuggler named Janos Terix approximately ten years ago.  Beginning as an errand boy, he made deliveries, guarded shipments, ran inventory, and did basic jobs for the famed smuggler.  As Janos’ enterprise grew, so did Dekar’s responsibilities.  Dekar was soon given his own smuggling run, a run that regularly traveled into Hutt space.  His reputation grew, as did  Janos’ trust.  After a couple of more years, Janos began having Dekar handle personal shipments and highly important (or illegal) shipping.

Not long after, Janos’ brother, his second in command, was killed in a raid by Imperials after a supply depot that Janos used was discovered.  This was Dekar’s chance.  He was in prime position, was ambitious enough and jumped at the chance.  After some negotiating, Dekar Jinn became Janos’ lead enforcer, and second in command of the Janos Terix smuggling operation.

Dekar Jinn

Dekar is a relentless enforcer.  Cut from the same cloth as a mob enforcer for Al Capone might be, he regularly visits those that owe money or items and forcibly reminds them of their debts.  Enemies of Janos were regularly silenced quickly, and not-so-quietly.

During an exchange of money and a shipment with a local Hutt, Janos Terix was killed during a double-cross.  Dekar killed everyone involved and rose to power, assuming control over the Terix smuggling ring.  Now, Dekar sets his sights on anyone and everyone that ever crossed his former mentor, himself, or his business.  He is ruthless, cunning, and those who do business with him should tread carefully.

A skilled marksman as well as a great pilot, Dekar flies into battle with his ship, the Relentless. a ZH-25 Questor Light Frieghter.

Below you’ll find how to drop Dekar Jinn into your games!


Brawn 4, Agility 4, Intellect 3, Cunning 3, Willpower 2, Presence 3

Soak: 6, Wound Threshold: 22, Strain Threshold: 20, Defense: Melee 1, Ranged 1


Charm 2, Cool 2, Piloting (Space) 3, Ranged (Light) 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Skulduggery 3, Streetwise 3, Vigilance 2


Adversary 2 – Upgrade the difficulty of any combat check targeting this character once per rank.

Defensive Driving 1 – Increase defense of vehicle or starship being piloted by 1.

Frenzied Attack 2 – When making a Melee or Brawl check, suffer a number of strain to upgrade the attack an equal number of times.  Strain suffered my not exceed ranks in Frenzied Attack.

Skilled Jockey 2 – Remove 2 setback dice from Piloting checks.


OK-98 Blaster Carbine: Ranged (Heavy), Range: Medium, Damage: 9, Critical: 3, Qualities (Stun Setting); My ignore first despair to cause blaster to be out of ammo during combat)

Relby-K23 Blaster Pistol: Ranged (Light), Range: Medium, Damage: 6, Critical: 3, Qualities (Pierce 2, Stun Setting)

D-24 Inferno Grenade: Ranged (Light), Range: Short, Damage: 8, Critical: 3, Qualities (Blast 6, Burn 2, Limited Ammo 1)


Protector 1 Combat Armor: Soak 2, Melee Def 1, Ranged Def 1


Comlink (Long range), Weapon Detection Goggles

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Scott Alden

Scott is a full-time IT Manager living in Lawrence, KS. (Rock Chalk, Jayhawk! Just outside Kansas City for those who don't know.) Scott is a veteran of several role playing, table top miniatures, video, and board games, starting with the Atari 2600 when he was 6, and the classic red box Dungeons and Dragons game when he was 12. After a long hiatus away from the hobby, Scott has recently picked up gaming once again, and is running two different campaigns in Fantasy Flight Games' Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force and Destiny lines. He is an avid X-Wing miniatures player, as well as Armada, Imperial Assault, Space Hulk, and Rebellion. (His family is obviously a Star Wars family, right?) Scott is married to his high school sweetheart, and has 2 children in middle school, both Black Belts in Krav Maga martial arts.