Species: Mon Calamari
Career: Engineer
Specialization: Scientist
Duty: Personnel
Motivation: Quest (Redemption)
Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 4
Cunning 1
Willpower 3
Presence 2
Wound Threshold 12
Strain Threshold 13
Soak Value 3
Melee/Ranged Defense 0|0
Skills: Computers 1, Education 2, Lore 1, Mechanics 1, Medicine 1, Vigilance 1
Talents: None
Abilities: Amphibious (can breathe underwater without penalty and do not suffer movement penalties in water)
Equipment: heavy clothing (+1 soak value), holdout blaster (Ranged [Light]; Damage 5; Crit 4; Range [Short]; stun setting), datapad, hand-held comlink, emergency medpac, 2 stimpacks
Ce’renna (150 earned XP)
Species: Mon Calamari
Career: Engineer
Specialization: Scientist/Medic
Duty: Personnel
Motivation: Quest (Redemption)
Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 4
Cunning 1
Willpower 3
Presence 2
Wound Threshold 12
Strain Threshold 14
Soak Value 3
Melee/Ranged Defense 1|1
Skills: Computers 1, Education 2, Lore 1, Mechanics 1, Medicine 3, Ranged (Light) 1, Vigilance 2, Xenology 1
Talents: Bacta Specialist 1, Grit 1, Knowledge Specialization (Education) 2, Researcher 1, Respected Scholar 1, Stimpack Specialization 1, Surgeon 1,
Abilities: Stim Application
Equipment: vacuum sealed armored clothing (+1 defense, +1 soak value), heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Crit 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), medpac, hand-held comlink, thermal cloak, datapad, extra reload, backpack, hand scanner, 4 stimpacks, 4 doses of anesthetic, 4 applications of synthflesh, bacta tank (aboard ship)
Background: Ce’renna was always gifted and brilliant. She was also more than a little bit naive and gullible. She managed to earn a full ride to one of the more prestigious universities, studying medicine and genetics, and was excited when her diligence and her grades earned her the chance to join a large and well-funded think tank after completing her formal education. The team was told that they were working on developing new and improved methods for treating battlefield wounds through developing faster acting chemical synthetics to help wounds heal faster and allow a soldier to keep going despite physical pain and grievous wounds. And while that was nominally true, they weren’t told the ultimate purpose of the project, or who they were really working for. Sure, everyone in the group realized that the Empire was funneling large amounts of credits into the endeavor, but so were several major pharmaceutical companies and several private investors. What they didn’t realize is that the results of the group’s research was going straight to the Imperial Army in order to create a new breed of shock troops using the stims that were developed – soldiers that could continue to fight well past the point that regular men and women would drop dead. Ce’renna discovered this quite by accident, but when she realized that the group was being used, she panicked. She quickly gathered up as much of her research as she could, deleted or corrupted as many of her records as possible and fled in the middle of the night, stealing away aboard a resupply shuttle. She went directly to the Rebellion, knowing that they were the only ones that could possibly keep her safe from the Empire once they realized what had happened to the research. In the meantime, she can use what she’s learned to help the Rebellion get a leg up in the field without resorting to the Empire’s methods. It’s harder going without the funding and supply access, but Ce’renna definitely feels it to be worth the cost.
Design Notes: This is actually a slight redesign of a character that I played briefly, taking a military angle instead of a civilian. The Stim Application abilities are the bread and butter of this character, allowing Ce’renna to utilize her research to continue to make improvements in her formulas to get better and more potent results. Doctor gets Stim Application sooner and cheaper, but Stimpack Specialization feeds into the idea of Ce’renna using her research to get better results from her basic stims as well. It’s Not That Bad is just a great talent that this character concept can get a lot of mileage out of. I can easily see her inoculating the team before a mission and then using this talent’s effects in the field. There’s not much more to the character beyond that – the Recruit specialization would give her more survivability and efficacy in combat, but it’s by no means a necessity. Filling out the Medic talents give her a lot of healing potential, and some of the later Scientist talents give her some great utility at the table. You could probably finish out the relevant sections of the talent trees and then shore up various skills as needed and she would be happy without another specialization her entire career.