C0-EXC5 or “Coxxie”
Species: Droid
Career: Hired Gun
Specialization: Marauder
Obligation: Fervor (+10 magnitude)
Coxxie is a “true believer.” While the droid is himself incapable of touching the Force, the degree with which he has taken to the teachings of the Church is a little bit…extreme. His ardor in spreading the word to the faithful that don’t believe the Empire’s lies about the Jedi can be dangerous, depending on where he spouts those beliefs, or who hears them.
Motivation: Cause (The Church of the Force)
Coxxie is a member in good standing of the Church of the Force, and he works to see its goals and agenda furthered whenever and wherever he can, some- [often-] times to the detriment of his traveling companions.
Brawn 5
Agility 1
Intellect 1
Cunning 1
Willpower 2
Presence 1
Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Discipline 1, Melee 2, Resilience 2, Vigilance 1, Coercion 1
Talents: Enduring 1, Toughened 1
Abilities: droid traits (does not need to breathe, eat, or drink, and can survive in vacuum or underwater; immune to poisons or toxins)
Wound Threshold: 17
Strain Threshold: 12
Soak Value: 7
Defense: 0|0
Equipment: reinforced durasteel frame (integrated heavy clothes), expanded internal storage (integrated military backpack*), reinforced digging claws (integrated brass knuckles [Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range {Engaged}; Disorient 3]), palm mounted excavation units (integrated blast knuckles** [Brawl; Damage 9; Critical 4; Ranged {Engaged}, Inaccurate 1; cannot deal strain damage and each successful hit deals 1 strain damage to Coxxie]), arm-mounted G9-GP pulse drill*** (Melee; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Breach 1, Cumbersome 3, Inaccurate 2), onboard cryoncorp ground-penetrating sensor pack****, limited self-repair module (5 integrated emergency repair patchs), onboard vocabulator allowing him to speak Basic and Sy Bisti
Background: C0-EXC5 (or Coxxie to his friends) was built as part of a limited edition series of excavation droids, designed to be able to haul large amounts of material and clear out an area for development quickly. The company that put them into production made sure to showcase how useful the droids could be to disaster response search and rescue teams as well, but the high cost of the droid just didn’t make for a lot of sales and the company eventually went belly-up and the droids auctioned off. Coxxie found himself bought on the cheap by an archaeology department for one of the of the more well-to-do colleges in the Mid Rim. One day, while being used in routine site excavation, the droid found a small pile of debris, which included a few shattered pieces of metal, some circuitry, and a small, irregularly shaped gemstone. He still doesn’t know what possessed him to hide the items in his storage, but as he reviewed them on his own later that night, he figured out that he possessed the remains of a Jedi lightsaber. He began to attempt to make contact with the people that could tell him more about the artifact, and he found the Church of the Force. He managed to make a rendezvous with several members of the order where they told him more about the Jedi and how they had been mis-represented by Imperial propaganda. They were no traitors to the Republic. Instead, they were betrayed by the Republic themselves, and the last of their order were still being hunted down to this day. Coxxie knew that he had found a new purpose, and he never returned to the university. Since them he has used his skills to aid the Church however he can, from helping to clear areas for holy sites to learning to use his tools as weapons to defend pilgrims. One day he dreams of helping to create a grand cathedral that the order can worship in, in a day where the Empire is defeated and the Jedi can grow again.
Design Notes: Coxxie came to my mind while finally reading Chuck Wendig’s Empire’s End. In one of the interlude chapters, he establishes the character of MA-B0 or Mago, a cargo lifter droid that was also a pilgrim with the Church of the Force, bringing a crate of kyber crystals back to the their home on Christophsis. The more I thought about the character, the more the idea of a droid that was a true believer in the Force and the Jedi seemed like a fun idea to explore. I also haven’t done much with droid characters, and so Coxxie was a fun little character to put together. I don’t know that he has to move beyond the Marauder talent tree – there is enough there to support what he does and make him frightfully good at it. If you’re looking to take him out of his area of expertise, you could take his excavation background into either the Archaeologist specialization (especially the left side of the talent tree) or even into the Hired Gun’s Demolitionist, though his Mechanics skill will never be as good as it could be for a more dedicated character thanks to his low Intellect. I have also purposely not given him a form so that you can shape him to your desire.
*Dangerous Covenants 59 (Imperial Army Military Pack)
** Dangerous Covenants 48
*** Enter the Unknown 42-43
**** Enter the Unknown 47