I may have been born of the sea, but the sky has always called to me. They called me Two-Soul while I was growing up. They meant it in a mocking fashion, but I embraced it, because I knew the truth of it and I enjoyed the look of realization on their faces when I came into my powers. Even still, growing up in Triton society while yearning for the touch of the open sky was not easy, and it colored my views on my own people. By the time I came of age, I was uncomfortable around the ones that bore me and needed to strike off on my own and find my own way in the world. Perhaps I will one day return to them, but it won’t be until I better understand myself and my place in this world.

Eireann was a quick brainstorm when I was looking for a combination of race and class that I hadn’t really looked at, and the combination between Triton and Storm Sorcerer seemed natural, both mechanically and narratively speaking. Tritons get access to a few once per rest spells that are keyed off of the character’s Charisma score, which means that a single score pulls double duty on those and they’re class skills. They’re also pretty unique in that they get a +1 to three of their ability scores at character creation.