Half-Orc Fighter (Battle Master) 3

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 31 (3d10)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Speed 30 ft.
Alignment neutral good
Languages Common, Orc
Ability Scores
Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 13 (+1)
Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 10 (+0)
Melee Attack: battleaxe +5 1d8+3 slashing damage or 1d10+3 slashing damage if wielded two handed.
Melee Attack: morningstar +5 1d8+3 piercing damage
Melee or Ranged Attack: handaxe +5 1d6+3 slashing damage, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Skills Acrobatics +3, Animal Handling +1, Arcana -1, Athletics +6, Deception +0, History -1, Insight +1, Intimidation+2 , Investigation -1, Medicine +1, Nature -1, Perception +1, Performance +0, Persuasion +0, Religion -1, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3, Survival +1
Equipment chain mail, battleaxe, morning star, two handaxes, explorer’s pack, a small knife, a map of the city you grew up in, a pet mouse, a token to remember your parents by, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.
Racial Features
Darkvision. Thanks to your orc blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Menacing. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Class Features
Fighting Style (Dueling). When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Second Wind. You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + 3. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Action Surge (1/rest). You can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Combat Superiority. You learn maneuvers that are fueled by special dice called superiority dice. You learn three maneuvers of your choice. Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some way. You can use only one maneuver per attack. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. You gain additional superiority dice at higher levels. Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The saving throw DC is equal to 13.
- Goading Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to goad the target into attacking you. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn.
- Riposte. When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend on superiority die to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. If you hit, you add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll.
- Trip Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend on superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add thThe Wore superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the target prone.
Student of War. You gain proficiency with one type of artisan’s tools of your choice.
Armor Proficiencies: All armor, shields
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, leatherworker’s tools, thieves’ tools
Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Background: Urchin
City Secrets. You know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.
Personality Traits: I sleep with my back to a wall or tree, with everything I own wrapped in a bundle in my arms.
Ideals: Community. We have to take care of each other, because no one else is going to do it.
Bonds: I sponsor an orphanage to keep others from enduring what I was forced to endure.
Flaws: I’d rather kill someone in their sleep then fight fair.
Instructor: Street fighter. Your trainer excels at urban combat, combining close-quarters work with silence and efficiency.
Background: I see Lorrsk as a strong and eager defender of those that are unable to defend themselves. His parents were taken away, perhaps by a vicious crime and he was forced to grow up on the streets, begging to survive and trying to keep the few coppers he could earn away from the pickpockets. He was eventually able to claw his way out of the gutter with the help of an aging veteran that taught the young man how to defend himself. These skills, coupled with his survivor’s spirit helped him to come into his own and earn some coin. He eventually apprenticed himself to an aged leatherworker and took over the shop after the old man’s death, turning the backroom into a place where he could take in orphans so that they would not have to deal with the kind of life he did. Needless to say, the criminal organizations stopped coming by for protection money after he sent a few of their enforcers back in pieces.