They stole my name from me. I will get it back.
How does one steal a name? Simple. They killed it. Murdered it. Buried it. Exiled it. I was driven away from my family and my tribe because of what I did at their request. And they denied the facts. And because I was just a kit, they believed them over me. I was forced to leave.
So I began to wander the human lands, using the skills that they had taught me to earn coin and nurture the weaknesses of the flesh. And it was on one of those jobs that I discovered my salvation… and my ruin. A small orb, no larger than a human’s fist, but infused with a fascinating.. dark power. I held it, and it spoke to me, whispering into my mind and promising me the power to avenge the wrongs that were done to me by them. I must admit, I wondered how this was possible, and for a few moments, doubted my own sanity – perhaps I was so consumed with bitterness and regret that I was losing myself. But still the orb whispered its promises to me, and I, in my weakness, accepted its help. A bargain was struck and a contract signed with my very essence. The power that was contained in the orb, a mote of the Shadowfell, would grant me access to its power. All I had to do was answer its occasional request.

I do not know what this power would want with me, but if the price I must pay is anywhere near as potent as the power that welled up inside of me, it will be terrible indeed… But I will take back what they stole from me. Even if I have to give up the rest of myself to do it.
The Warlock has always been one of those classes that has intrigued me, but also one I’ve never really sat down with the intent to actually build a character for. This interest was only piqued further with the release of the Hexblade Pact that was officially released with Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. This character always felt an outsider when I was coming up with the concept and eventually turned into the outcast. While he has the same drive and desire for knowledge and lore that fascinate the rest of the Tabaxi, he obtains it through more unscrupulous means, which directly led to him being chosen by his patron. He’s capable of distance fighting with both Eldritch Blast and Toll the Dead in his cantrip list, but he is also able to mix it up in melee should he find himself forced into such a situation, backed up by his power as a Hexblade to use his Charisma modifier on attack and damage rolls with one of his weapons each day (most likely his battleaxe). He’s also able to control the battlefield somewhat with his Eldritch Blast, both pulling enemies closer to him and his allies while dropping their speed in the same hit. As for advancement, he’s could be best served with any of the Pact Boons depending on how you want to build him out and which Eldritch Invocations look the most appealing.
If you have an eye towards multi-classing, there is a lot of synergy with the College of Whispers Bard for this character concept, and is certainly worth exploring.