Hot off the heels of my review of the second edition of 7th Sea, I decided to try my hand at creating a character for the game. I don’t know that I’ll be able to disguise the concept for long…so I’m not going to even try–here’s the character sheet:
Stíofán MacRogers
Nation: Inismore
Languages: Inish, Old Théan, Eisen
Religion: Objectionist mixed with Inish beliefs
Virtue: The Emperor (Commanding)
Hubris: The War (Loyal)
Brawn 3
Finesse 2
Resolve 3
Wits 3
Panache 2
Pugilist – Earn a Hero Point when you drop what you’re holding to fight with fists regardless of your opponent’s weapon.
Soldier – Earn a Hero Point when you stick to the plan regardless of the danger to yourself.
Aim 2
Athletics 3
Brawl 3
Convince 1
Empathy 1
Intimidate 2
Notice 1
Perform 1
Warfare 3
Weaponry 3
Able Drinker
Riot Breaker
Signature Item: MacRogers’s family crest shield
Story: I will find Séamus no matter what it costs me, even if it costs me everything. I owe him that much.
- Ending: Séamus is found alive and well, and again becomes Stíofán’s ally.
- Step One: Question Duggan and the men who fought with us last before Séamus was lost.
Background: Though Inish by birth, Stíofán felt strongly about the Eisen Objectionist movement and when the early fighting of the War of the Cross broke out, he and his best friend Séamus left their homes with a few other young men of similar temperament in order to help out those in need in Eisen. They quickly found out that they were in over their heads as the fighting continued to get bigger and more violent. Several decades of constant fighting later, Stíofán found himself back in his homeland. But, he is absolutely unable to account for about a third of the time he was gone, and those men that joined in the fighting with him seemed surprised to see him alive. He also could not account for what else was lost–Séamus never made it back home. Stíofán carries the scars of the war on his body, but also on his soul. But the war was not able to break him. He discovered a number of things about himself in those long and bloody years–he learned how to lead men, how to fight with whatever was at hand, and how much he valued his national identity as an Inishman, especially after Séamus was lost. Regardless of what everyone else tells him, he still holds on to the belief that Séamus is still out there somewhere. Stíofán has half remembered dreams of watching his friend fall, but if he cannot recall the last decade or so of the fighting, maybe he is mistaken about that as well.
Design Notes: I couldn’t help it but write up Cap in this system when I started reading through the book. By the time I was reading through the section on the Inish people I was picturing Steve Rogers as he’s been presented in the MCU. By the time I finished reading the character creation rules, I basically had him statted up. He translates so well into this system–it was a little bit surprising. His story of finding Bucky and giving him redemption is one that we have seen time and again in television shows and movies as well as novels and other comics. The mechanical pieces just fell into place–nearly every single one of his advantages has seen screen time in the MCU–holstering his shield to go one-on-one with Batroc; taking on wave after wave of Hydra thugs in The Winter Soldier; rallying the NYPD to help evacuate civilians during the Battle of New York; being completely unable to get drunk after losing Bucky in The First Avenger. They’re all there.
He is largely a physical character, at home on the battlefield, especially if there are allies to lead. But his skill set also gives him plenty to do off the battlefield, especially if he can leverage his martial prowess in the social environment.
As far as advancement is concerned, I think it’s a pretty straightforward look at shoring up his skills, and getting him some more physical advantages. Dueling, especially the Donovan school would be fitting as well as helpful to let him deal extra damage to enemies. “Hard to Kill” and “I Won’t Die Here” are obvious choices as well (“I could do this all day”). “Strength of Ten” certainly seems fitting in case there are any helicopters that need to be held in place. “Together We Are Strong” and “Camaraderie” are also very fitting choices, especially if he completes his story and finds Séamus alive and well.
If you desire to take things along the mystical track, Stíofán could make an excellent Knight of Avalon–both Ceolmund, Knight Protector and Wilfrith, The Knight of Will stand out as excellent embodiments of the character, and the Resolve glamours are all very fitting choices.