This week we’re taking a dip back into the world of Star Wars as I’ve started to plan out a new adventure module for the game. Much like the Greek goddess Athena, this character concept was one of the ones that sprung from my head fully formed and translated to game stats quite easily.
Yuki Ariett
(150 earned XP)
Species: Human
Career: Explorer
Specialization: Archaeologist/Force Adherent
Obligation: Fervor
Motivation: Discovery (Knowledge)

Brawn 2
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 3
Willpower 3
Presence 2
Wound Threshold 12
Strain Threshold 14
Soak Value 3
Melee/Ranged Defense 0|0
Skills: Discipline 2, Education 2, Lore 3, Melee 1, Perception 1, Ranged (Light) 1, Survival 1, Vigilance 2, Xenology 2
Talents: As The Force Wills It (Make an Easy Knowledge [Lore] check to recover strain after an encounter instead of Discipline or Cool. A Triumph may be spent to recover all strain), Confidence 1 (Decrease the difficulty of Fear checks by 1), Disciple of Lore 2 (May suffer 1 as an incidental to reduce the difficulty of the next Knowledge [Lore] check by 2), Grit 1, Hard-Headed 1 (Make a Daunting Discipline check to remove the staggered or disoriented condition as an action), Knowledge Specialization (Lore) 1 (May spend Triumph from a Knowledge [Lore] check to add 1 additional success to the check), Researcher 1 (Remove 1 setback die from Knowledge checks. Research takes 50% less time), Resolve 2 (Suffer 2 fewer strain when involuntarily suffering it),
Equipment: heavy clothing (+1 soak value), blaster pistol (Ranged [Light], Damage 6, Critical 4, Range [Medium]; Stun setting), vibro-knife (Melee; Damage 3; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1), backpack, utility belt, 4 stimpacks, burning gel, 20 meters syntherope, hand-held comlink, hand scanner, electrobinoculars, extra reloads, breath mask, datapad, 3 glow rods
Background: Yuki was a young archaeology student when she discovered an ancient tome on an early dig. She sensed that turning it over to the Imperial-funded academy would not be in her best interest; she kept it secret and began the laborious process of attempting to translate the text. What she found shocked her – histories and stories of the Jedi that ran counter to the propagandized stories the Empire had spread. The stories she was able to translate resonated within her in a way that she didn’t fully comprehend. As she continued her work on the book and spent time thinking about it, she began to understand some of the things that the Jedi believed – when she was calm and at peace she felt the barest whisperings of the power they called the Force. While she was not able to touch and manipulate the power like the storied Jedi, she felt her consciousness begin to expand and her universe both grew and shrank by magnitudes as she began to understand her place within it. She knew that she needed to find more texts and so began looking for ways to do so without arousing the suspicions of the Empire. The Force eventually led her on a path that crossed with a particular ship captain that was looking to hire on new crew members. Yuki didn’t think twice.
Personality: While you’re young, you believe that you understand your place in the universe better than most people – a habit that can grate on those that don’t agree with you and one that can make you come off as distant and snobbish to those that don’t know you. But deep down you are still the student who wants to learn as much as she can. The focus of your studies may have shifted, but your burning desire to know as much as possible hasn’t.
Design Notes: The idea for Yuki came to me after looking through Dawn of Rebellion while looking to plan out some PCs for a module. I had kind of brushed off the Force Adherent universal specialization after first reading it, but something pointed my attention to it. The longer I thought about it, the more I thought it would be an interesting pairing with the Explorer’s Archaeologist specialization. Add in a dash of first semester philosophy major and Yuki Ariett was born.