Myrmidon – 225 points
Game System: Wild Talents 2nd Edition by Arc Dream Publishing

Archetype (15 points)
Stats (122 points)
Body 4d+1wd (36 pts)
Coordination 4d (20 pts)
Sense 2d (10 pts)
Mind 2d (10 pts)
Charm 3d (15 pts)
Command 4d (20 pts)
Base Will 10 (9 pts)
Willpower 12 (2 pts)
Motivations: Passion for seeing his team succeed (6), Loyalty to AEGIS Laboratories (4)
Skills (38 points)
Athletics 2d (6d+1wd), Block 2d (6d+1wd), Brawling 2d (6d+1wd), Dodge 2d (6d), Endurance 2d (6d+1wd), Leadership 1wd (4d+1wd), Persuasion 2d (5d), Stability 1 wd (4d+1wd), Tactics 3d (5d),
Powers (50 points)
Extra Tough (5 per die) 2hd (20 pts)
Useful Extras and Flaws: Engulf +2, Permanent +4, Self Only -3. Capacities: Self
Effect: Myrmidon has two extra wound boxes per hit location.
Armored Suit (3 per die) 2hd (12 pts)
Defends Extras and Flaws: Armored Defense -2, Permanent +4, Hardened Defense +2, Limited Width -1, Focus (Immutable) -2. Capacities: Self
Effect: Myrmidon’s suit provides him 1 point of LAR to every hit location. This LAR is not reduced by attacks with Penetration.
Summon Spartoi (1 per die) 5hd (10 pts)
Useful Extras and Flaws: Duration +2, Focus (Accessible) -2, If/Then (must be “planted” in the ground) -1, Go Last -1. Capacities: Touch.
Effect: Myrmidon can “plant” his “Dragon’s Tooth” in the ground (just covering it with debris is enough, as long as it’s out of direct light) and Summon 5 Spartoi warriors that follow his commands and act as a minion squad (see Minion rules) spring from the ground at the end of the round.
Light Armor (2 per die) 2hd (8 pts)
Extras and Flaws: Armored Defense -2, Permanent +4, Attached to Summon Spartoi -2. Capacities: Selt.
Effect: Each Spartoi has 2 LAR to all hit locations.
Brawling 6d+1wd width in Shock damage
1 LAR to all hit locations (hardened)
Block 6d+1wd
Dodge 6d
Background: Rand Oikos was by all accounts a normal child. He grew up in the suburbs to a third generation Greek American family. He didn’t cause many waves in his younger years, and while he was never picked last for kickball, neither was he team captain. That all changed when he was doing genealogical research for a school project. He traced his family line back to Greece. And then he kept digging. He found out that he was directly descended (albeit many generations removed) from Ares, the Greek God of War according to texts. When this information got out, he was sought out by a group called AEGIS Laboratories. They were looking for someone like him – someone who had the appropriate DNA for a test. If it were successful, they said his strength and speed would be greatly increased. Rand agreed.
The serum worked, interacting with his DNA in a way that it hadn’t with previous attempts, increasing his strength and his speed further than they thought possible. It also gave him confidence that he had always possessed, but never been able to apply. Through their testing of his abilities, they found that he was capable of more powerful feats of strength and endurance than they had initially thought. And so an idea came into being – they presented Rand with an armored suit and an artifact they had developed in tandem with the serum that allowed him to summon a small squad of soldiers from some sort of negative space. And Myrmidon was born. Over the months, his powers have continued to grow. He’s still young and relatively inexperienced as both a hero and a leader, but AEGIS Labs has put together a group of like minded heroes that they can use when the need arises.
Personality: Myrmidon may seem a no-nonsense type at first, but that’s because he’s actually quite scared of failing in the field and getting one of his team mates hurt or killed. All that said, he’s a born leader and when he’s able to channel that fear into something productive, he’s a force to be reckoned with.
When he’s not in costume he allows himself to relax a little bit more, joking with his team mates and friends, but he’s never more than a few seconds away from his persona as Myrmidon. The cost to let his guard completely down would be too great.
Design Notes: Myrmidon is a character I created for a one-shot, and was the first concept for the heroes that I had come up with. He was initially developed as just a super soldier, but later merged with another concept to become a Captain America type figure for the group. He’s a skilled combatant – with his strength and speed heightened well beyond the average human, but he’s still very much (mostly) within the realm of human parameters. His Wiggle Die in Body is the real ace in the hole, giving him at least an automatic match at a width of 2 on any action he takes with that Stat. His confidence is projected with a higher than average Command score and a Wiggle Hyperdie in both Stability and Command.
Beyond his ability to summon his Spartoi soldiers, Myrmidon doesn’t actually have much in the way of in your face powers. He’s a very subtle hero with most of his powers going on the background to keep him up and keep him fighting. He also has a not inconsequential amount of Base Will and Willpower to help him when he needs it. At 225 powers, he’s still very young, but his powers have a very firm direction. There is still definitely room for further advancement in his physical abilities.