Hey there everyone! Hot off the heels of my Pugmire review, I wanted to give you a few examples of what some 1st level characters might look like. So I unleashed my imagination and let it walk and roam wherever it wanted to as I came up with a few examples to show you. Now, obviously there are more character possibilities than you can shake as stick at, and if you gave me a few more wags I could probably give you dozens more, but this should hopefully be enough to whet your appetite for the game. Unless you love cats or something. Then we might have a problem.

Henry Corgi
Level: 1
Calling: Hunter
Breed: Herder
Background: Folk Hero
Family: Corgi
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Stamina Dice: 1d10
Stamina Points: 12
Defense: 15
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30/40
Abilities: Strength +1 (13), Dexterity +2 (15), Constitution +2 (14), Intelligence +0 (10), Wisdom +2 (15), Charisma -1 (8)
Skills: Handle Animal, Know Nature, Survive, Traverse
Tricks: Simple Weapon Aptitude, Martial Weapon Aptitude, Light Armor Aptitude, Medium Armor Aptitude, Shield
Aptitude, Natural Explorer (Woods), Keen Observer, Folk Hero
History: While not a Stray, Henry isn’t exactly a city dog either. He lived with his family near the edge of the Fearful Forest. He and his wife, a woodsman like him used their skills to help the occasional traveler plan a route as well as hunting some of the more dangerous animals that lived there. They never wandered too deep into the forest, however. They knew what lurked in the shadows was probably worse than the stories that were constantly being cooked up about this place. They were teaching their puppies the ways of their art one day when they wandered too far without realizing it. A monster that had ventured near the edge of the forest caught them by surprise and attacked. When Henry regained consciousness, he found his entire family dead. Distraught, he spent some time in solitude until he was slowly but surely drawn back to the city by stories of monsters growing bolder and attacking more frequently. Now he keeps himself busy by working with the Royal Pioneers, knowing that they need good dogs of all ages to help the kingdom. And who knows, maybe someday he’ll run across the monster that killed his family and take his revenge.
Roleplay Tips: Henry has been around the block a few times – he’s old enough to be most of the other Pioneer’s father. He’s a little distant and finds it hard to warm up to people, but he’s never cruelly cold or callous, although sometimes he does put his paw in his mouth with the younger dogs by saying something without thinking it through. However, the grief over the death of his family still runs deep, and his anger sometimes causes him to lash out at those around him. Those that know him and have worked with him before know he doesn’t mean it, and the outbursts never last long. But nearly everyone in the Pioneers has received a tongue lashing from Henry at least once. He has a soft spot for the Husky twins, as they were the first Pioneers he worked with, and their youthful exuberance broke through his shell. Though they are a different breed, he sees them as surrogate children.
Description: Stout and stocky despite his natural agility, Henry has more than a little gray around his muzzle, and streaked throughout the white patches of his sandy colored fur. He is rarely seen outside of his armor unless the event demands less rustic attires.
Personality Traits
Ideal: What is most important to me is keeping the memory of my family alive.
Bond: I am inspired by Garrett and Julia. They remind me of the kind of dogs that I would have wanted my puppies to be.
Flaw: No matter what, I just can’t keep my anger in check.
Rucksack: longbow (1d8 piercing damage, ammunition, ranged 150/600, two-pawed), shortsword (1d6 piercing damage, finesse, light), spare ammunition, medium armor (thick hides), torches, rations, bone and antler bracelet given to you by your departed wife, iron pot, set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing a few plastic coins
Garrett Husky
Level: 1
Calling: Guardian
Breed: Worker
Background: Soldier
Family: Husky
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Stamina Dice: 1d10
Stamina Points: 12
Defense: 18
Initiative: -1
Speed: 25/35
Abilities: Strength +2 (15), Dexterity -1 (8), Constitution +2 (15), Intelligence +0 (10), Wisdom +1 (12), Charisma +2 (14)
Skills: Intimidate, Notice, Persuade, Traverse
Tricks: Simple Weapon Aptitude, Martial Weapon Aptitude, Light Armor Aptitude, Medium Armor Aptitude, Heavy Armor Aptitude, Shield Aptitude, Fighting Style (Protection), Brute Strength, Rank Has Its Privileges
History: Garrett and his sister Julia were orphaned at a young age when their parents were found dead near Riverwall. They were both taken in by the Church of Man and raised within the temple. While his sister found solace in the teachings of the Church, Garrett was not interested in prayers and devotionals. Instead, he scampered away as often as possible to the guardhouses to watch the guards and inquisitors spar and train. When he was old enough, he was given permission to train with them, and took to the art of combat like a duck to water. He was eventually given the inheritance that his father had left him, a family blade and shield with the Husky crest on it. While he was never actually permitted to join the City Guard in an official capacity (and lacked the conviction of faith to be an Inquisitor), he was allowed to tag along on some of the less dangerous assignments. However, he eventually grew tired of being treated with a puppy leash and started to look at his other options. It was actually Julia who suggested the Royal Pioneers, wanting to get out of the Church and experience the world herself. Their first assignment saw them paired up with Henry Corgi, an older Hunter who took a liking to the siblings and took them under his proverbial wing and began to teach the young dogs the way of the world.
Roleplay Tips: Garrett is always eager to test his mettle in combat, but he will stop short of provoking a fight (unless the other person was really asking for it). He loves his sister more than life itself, but he can’t understand her desire to serve the Church of Man with such conviction. Still, it was on her recommendation as a Sister of the Church of Man that Garrett was allowed into the Royal Pioneers so he must give the organization some grudging credit. And they have helped Julia deal with her grief, so they’re not all bad. He could do with fewer prayers and devotionals each day though. His constant needling questioning of the reasons why the Church does this and that have driven even the sagest Brother and Sister to snap or scamper away on a suddenly remembered errand, but his sister bears them with the patience of a saint.
Description: Tall and broad even by Husky standards, Garrett cuts an imposing figure in his armor which he has had emblazoned with the symbol of the Husky family to match his shield. He is rarely without his father’s sword and shield unless he absolutely must surrender them.
Personality Traits
Ideal: What is most important to me is protecting innocent dogs from harm.
Bond: I am inspired by my sister Julia. She constantly pushes me to be a better dog.
Flaw: No matter what, I just can’t fully believe in the teachings of the Church of Man.
Rucksack: longsword (1d8 slashing damage) and shield inherited from the Husky family after Garrett’s father died mysteriously, heavy armor (suit of chainmail), gloves, torches, rations, 50 feet of rope, insignia of rank, set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing a few plastic coins
Julia Husky
Level: 1
Calling: Shepherd
Breed: Worker
Background: Acolyte
Family: Husky
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Stamina Dice: 1d8
Stamina Points: 8
Defense: 12
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30/40
Abilities: Strength +0 (10), Dexterity +1 (12), Constitution +0 (10), Intelligence +2 (14), Wisdom +2 (15), Charisma
+1 (13)
Skills: Heal, Know History, Know Religion, Sense Motive
Tricks: Simple Weapon Aptitude, Light Armor Aptitude, Medium Armor Aptitude, Shield Aptitude, Prayers to Man, Brute Strength, Acolyte of Man
Spells: Bless/Bane, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Command, Cure Wounds
Spell Slots: 3
History: Julia and her brother found themselves orphaned at a young age. The Constable came with the outreach member of the Church of Man to give them the bad news about their parent’s death during the middle of the night, and she has never quite moved beyond the puppyish fear of the dark because of that memory. Still, the Church of Man taught her that her parents had gone to serve Man in the fields beyond, blessed with youthful energy and exuberance for eternity. She believes that will all her heart. She has to, because the alternative is too bleak to even consider. While her brother found his outlet in drilling with the City Guard, she found her peace in the prayers and devotionals of the Church. Having a schedule made her feel happy and at peace for a while until she could process her grief. One day a strange cat that had made his home in the Chapel for a while gave her a symbol of the Church of Man that he said he felt called to make and give her. She was delighted to see the metal of the symbol glowed softly in the dark after it had been exposed to a bright light – not enough to provide any meaningful illumination, but just enough to be a comfort in the darkness. After she underwent the Ritual of Transubstantiation, she felt an itch to get out in the world and help to shine her light on the darkness of others the way the Church did for hers. She knew Garrett was chafing to be on his own as well, and so the pair of them joined the Royal Pioneers, her recommendation as a Shepherd being enough to get them through the door and on a test mission where they met Henry.
Roleplay Tips: Quiet and demure where her brother is loud, she can still be ferocious when she needs to be, particularly if her brother is trouble. Her life is dedicated to the Church of Man, and she believes fully and completely in the Code – some might say a little too dogmatically, doing her best to ignore the occasional crack of reality that shows through the neatness of the Church’s teachings.
Description: Julia is not nearly as tall or as broad as her brother, and she wears her shepherd’s robes over her armor. She always carries her prayer book and her symbol of the Church of Man is worn prominently on a chain around her neck, both to show her station as well as to soak up as much sunlight as possible during the daylight hours.
Personality Traits
Ideal: What is most important to me is encouraging others to be good dogs.
Bond: I am inspired by Man. They left us this entire world of mysteries and miracles to explore.
Flaw: No matter what, I just can’t get over my fear of the dark.
Rucksack: mace (1d6 bludgeoning damage), light armor (leather armor worn under her acolyte robes), shield, candle, vestments, rations, symbol of the Church of Man made by a strange cat that converted to the Church, a prayer mat, set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing a few plastic coins