Ral Yarrow
Species: Human
Career: Warrior
Specialization: Aggressor
Morality: Pride/Arrogance
Motivation: Ambition (Glory)
Brawn 3
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 3
Presence 2
Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Coercion 1, Melee 1, Ranged (Light) 1
Talents: Intimidating 1, Toughened 1
Abilities: Enhance (When making an Athletics, Brawl, or Resilience check, may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool. Can spend generated Force points to add success or advantage to the check), Force Rating 1
Wound Threshold: 15
Strain Threshold: 13
Soak Value: 4
Defense: 0|0
Equipment: brass knuckles (Brawl; Damage 4; Crit 4; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 3), combat knife (Melee; Damage 4; Crit 3; Range [Engaged]), truncheon (Melee; Damage 5; Crit 5; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2), concealing robes (+1 soak value), 5 stimpacks, tent, glowrod, utility belt
Background: Ral was raised a stranger on a planet that was not his own. His parents were a part of a scouting expedition in the final days of the Clone Wars. He was born on that expedition, and the only survivor of the resulting crash after a malfunction in the ship’s onboard systems caused a rapid descent into the atmosphere of their target planet. Luckily for him, the natives found him before the local predators could. They were primitive and very distinctly not human, but they took the baby back to their village and raised him as one of their own.
It wasn’t long before Ral began to distinguish himself from the others beyond simple physical appearance. The species that called the planet home were a full head and shoulders shorter than a human and were notably thinner, and so Ral quickly began to eclipse the other youths in terms of growth and strength. Little did he know, he was stronger than most humans his age as well by virtue of being able to tap into the Force to strengthen his body and give him greater endurance. He was tapping into a natural wellspring of Force energy that the villagers had built their dwellings upon, having been drawn to it through a very basic cultural understanding of the various concentrations of it on the planet. And these natural abilities helped him to repay the villagers for their kindness when another tribe launched a surprise attack to take the land and the sacred ground it sat on, using the Force to fuel his body and his attacks. He gained celebrity within the tribe and notoriety from the rest of the planet. He loved it.
But it wasn’t long before another Force-user was drawn to the planet’s signature. He told the young man what he was and the destiny that awaited him in the stars, fighting to rekindle the flame of the Jedi Order that the Empire had so effectively extinguished. Ral scoffed, but his adoptive family urged him to follow the off-worlder. If there was a possibility that he could learn from this man and become more powerful, than it was something he needed to do. Finally convinced, Ral packed his meager belongings and left with the off-worlder into the greater galaxy. Maybe he can learn some new tricks and gain some more glory beyond his home village, and hopefully dull the edge of his youthful arrogance.
Design Notes: I may have finally watched Man of Steel for some background noise today, and while the movie was pretty much a solid “meh” it did get me to think about the character of Kal-El – an outsider by virtue of not being a part of our race, gifted with abilities that he used to protect his adopted people from all manner of threats, and was drawn to this character concept – a powerful warrior that is unaware of his legacy within the galaxy – someone who can use the Force to push himself past the point of exhaustion and perform feats that normal men and women can only dream of.
Obviously the Enhance power tree has some great abilities for him – allowing him to commit a Force Die to increase his Brawn and use the Force to fuel powerful leaps to get himself into combat with more powerful foes. The Agility skills aren’t central to the character concept and so can probably be skipped. The left side of the Sense Force power should not be neglected either – the increases to defense and attack rolls can be stacked with the Brawn increase after a Force Rating increase.
The Aggressor allows him to continue to hone his powers as a melee combatant with a twinge of the Dark Side. Prey on the Weak gives him bonuses that can be used with his equipment loadout – both his brass knuckles and truncheon have the Disorient weapon quality. Fearsome gives him powerful battlefield control by allowing him to strike fear into his opponents, and Terrify gives him another way to Disorient his opponents. You could spend a lot of time in that specialization further honing his combat powers along the way.