As I talked about previously, one of the things that I love in a superhero RPG is a good random character generator. And while the “Guided Method” for the Sentinel Comics Roleplaying Game isn’t truly random, it does wonders to help a player who may not have a clear vision of their character going into a creation session. So I decided to spend some more time with the game and show off the character creation process. Like Tempo, this character was created strictly from this method.
Charon is a hero past his prime, and he knows it. Interested in the magical arts from a very early age, he spent a lot of his youth diving into books about topics he should definitely not have been learning about. Luckily for everyone, his character was such that he was able to resist the temptations of the power that he was gaining and use it to fight against the forces of hell that continuously attack our own world.
But years of drawing on this dangerous power began to take its toll on Charon. And eventually he drew too much, tearing the veil and letting several dangerous powers into the world. Wounded in body, spirit, and pride, he withdrew from his heroics and tried to forget his failure. And he succeeded for quite a few years, self-medicating to take his mind away from his demons, both his inner ones and the very real ones he had released.
The OblivAeon crisis did little to ease his mind. While other heroes sacrificed their lives for the fate of the universe, Charon continued to wallow in his past mistakes. But it was the wakeup call he needed. Older (and hopefully a bit wiser) he did something that he hadn’t done in many years – he cracked open his books. If a villain like Baron Blade could sacrifice himself to save reality, then he could face down his own failures. It won’t be easy, but it’s the right thing to do.