This article is a continuation on the them of magical items presented as relics, as discussed in Part One. Instead of retreading that game ground, I’ll let you look back to see the “why” and jump right into reopening the reliquary and see what kind of magic items we can find this time. We might even be able to find some examples of cursed items to use as relics if we’re lucky…
The Adder’s Kiss (Dagger of Venom)
This twin-tipped dagger was created by a wizard that was as much a student of herpetology as he was of magic. He was inspired to create this dagger after watching an adder take down its prey. The design of the dagger was created to be reminiscent of the snake’s fangs. The dagger was stolen from him shortly after it was created and is a weapon much sought after by assassins and others that would prefer to dispatch their victims with ease.

Shield of the Faithless (Shield of Missile Attraction)
Sir Arthus was a paladin who lived centuries ago. In his youth, he was famous for upholding the ideals of goodness and virtue as he journeyed across the land, his magical shield a shining beacon of justice in the world. However, Sir Arthus was tempted to stray from his ways by a vile demoness of temptation. She corrupted his soul. As his will finally crumpled before him, he broke his oaths and the gods punished him. His shield that had once shown like the sun to punish the wicked was turned black as his heraldry was twisted into a mockery of its original meaning. He abandoned the shield, but the curse that was placed on it followed him for the rest of his life, short as it was. He was struck down by the arrows of his former companions days later as he attempted to evade their pursuit.

Bracers of Binding (Dimensional Shackles)
There have been those throughout the ages that perform the job of tracking criminals across the multiverse for various organizations. As it often happens, these individuals that shared similar goals began to work together, and over time an organization was born that would allow them to work more successfully, have better intelligence on their quarries, and most importantly, command higher rates for the prisoners they captured. Oftentimes, the criminals they pursue are capable of moving through the planes under their own power. And so this organization created five pairs of these bracers that prevented the wearer from bringing these powers to bear, making sure they stayed apprehended once they were caught. The ultimate fate of the organization that created these devices is unknown, as well as exactly how many of the original five devices still exist, but at least one has shown up over the years in the hands of various outfits and organizations with an interest in planar travel.
Caladbolg (Holy Avenger, Longsword)
This magical sword is perhaps the most sought-after prize by the communities of the faithful. Entire kingdoms have risen and fallen around it and many a life has been claimed by questing for it. Only those strong enough in their convictions can wield this mighty weapon. The creation of “The Sword of Hard Lightning” is a tale lost to time, though it is commonly believed that it was forged by an ancient race of beings that were originally a slave race to fiends and used by a leader in their revolt. The race has supposedly since vanished from this plane of existence, but the sword remains, and from time to time someone uncovers it and possesses the strength to use it for their cause. The darker sides to the legends say that when Caladbolg’s wielder ultimately perishes, his immortal soul is taken into the collective of the race that originally forged the weapon.

Aster’s Folly (Rod of the Pact Keeper +2)
Aster Collin was a warlock of some infamy about 20 years ago, before he mysteriously disappeared one day. In searching for answers to her questions, his daughter located his journals and found that he had secured his power by making a high-priced bargain with a powerful demon lord to gain the power to defeat his enemies. At some point, he renegotiated his terms of the contract in order to gain more power – this rod was given to him. Shortly after that he disappeared never to be seen again. Whether he succeeded in his goals or not is unsure, but his daughter is still seeking more answers about her father. The rod might hold some answers, but she has not the power to utilize what may have been Aster’s final mistake.