This week I present you with a full adventure to challenge your starship crew with. It’s a tale set during The Next Generation era and involves the planet Isum.
Isum was an isolated planet that was visited by its technologically superior neighbors on the planet Tritum. The Tritumites showed the people of Isum how to live technologically-advanced lives… and even how to avoid running low on power sources. The oil the Tritumites used was the remains of ancient life forms. The Tritumites found a way to mass-grow large life forms that could rapidly be broken down into fossil fuels.
The catch is the main city on Isum now keeps thousands of massive dinosaur-like beasts penned up before killing and breaking them down into fuel. The rural parts of the planet are forced to grow the special diets the dinosaur-like creatures eat, so the demands for fossil fuels can be met.
The Federation knows all about Isum and has been monitoring its development, sending Starfleet ships by every few years to monitor their progress. This time Starfleet gets a big surprise. The Ferengi have landed and set up shops selling centuries-old personal music players. They make even more latinum selling centuries-old music on a subscription basis… and market the music as brand new. This will be seen as depraved by the Federation citizens, who have been getting their music and the arts provided free to them.
So, the Isumites, who had been at about 1920s Earth technology, suddenly got Ipods. This dominated every aspect of Isum life. The Ferengi became extremely rich. The Isumites became extremely happy, despite paying good money for ancient technology.
Now, Starfleet has to decide what to do about Isum. The Prime Directive has been shattered by the Ferengi. Should the crew make their presence known? Should the Ferengi be driven from Isum? Should Starfleet interfere, knowing the laser fences keeping the dinosaurs penned-up are about to fail? Should Starfleet interfere because of the cruel practice of breeding a species to be slaughtered for fuel?
These are the issues your crew will have to contend with. “Everybody’s Gotta Have One” works for crews of three to six players. Download it here.