“If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour… you’re gonna see some serious shit.”
-Dr. Emmett L. Brown
I love the Back to the Future movies. Cool car, time travel, hoverboards, the movies had everything a kid from the 80’s could enjoy. One of my buddies from college loved these movies even more. During spring break we traveled across the country so he could buy his very own Delorean and then we drove it back. They’re weird to drive due to the lack of power steering. Also a little uncomfortable as the windows are quite small and the AC didn’t work. But beyond that it was a very memorable adventure as we passed through New York, which I had never seen. And it was all inspired by a love of a cheesy 80’s movie (my geek love for this movie is also evident in my parts of my new book, “Worst. Book. Ever. The Awesome Adventures of Max Power.” whose release was timed for this Wednesday specifically because of BTTF).
As a kid, the second one definitely was my favorite, primarily because of the hover board. The one and only time I got on a skateboard I broke my leg but damn did I still want a hoverboard. As I grew up, the flaws in that movie became more apparent and the other two quickly surpassed it in terms of quality. But it always held a special place in my heart as a fun look at things to come. Especially as almost none of its predictions came true.
This week we will catch up to that once distant future of October 21, 2015. There are no flying cars. No hoverboards. No Mr. Fusion. Though on the plus side, kids aren’t wearing their jeans inside out. And the Cubs actually have a shot at winning the World Series.
To honor our inevitable forward progression through time, this week we will be focusing some articles on the concept of time itself. We’ll take a look at a card game that places you in the role of a time traveler, investigate how some games handle tracking timed events, veer off the timeline into some alternate history and of course, what look at time would be complete without taking a trip in the TARDIS. So head down to your corner drug store to pick up some plutonium because we’re about to travel through time in style.