As I mentioned in my Free RPG Day 2019 overview, R. Talsorian Games’ The Witcher Easy Mode (free on Drive Thru RPG) was one of two free quickstarts getting a full review. Why? Because I enjoyed the novels. I’ve not played the video games but one of my friends really loves them. If you’re familiar with either, you are aware it’s not a Sweetness, Light, and Puppies setting, although I don’t think it’s nearly as dark as Game of Thrones.
I found the mechanics very easy to follow, but the damage and healing rules are a little more complex than I prefer. Some complexity and deadly combat are typical of an R. Talsorian game, however, but neither gets anywhere near my deal-breaker level. Make sure you read all the sidebars. Some are just notes on how Easy Mode differs from the core book (e. g., Crafting rules are simplified), but many are part of the mechanics.
The Pregen section is in front, not at the end of the booklet. It’s also the most extensive I’ve seen in a quickstart. There are six PCs from four Races (Human, Dwarf, Elf, and Witcher), representing six of the Professions (classes). There is no information on character creation (typical for quickstarts) but each Profession apparently has a Defining Skill that I think is a unique ability. There is a How To Read a Character Sheet page that is very useful. It’s an extra copy of one pregen that is number-keyed to explanations of each section, so everyone will know where to find all their PCs’ information before they select a character.
Again, the rules section is clear and easy to learn and follow. The last section, before the module, is GM advice focused on evoking the feel of the setting. The module “Still Waters” has all the details and stats the GM will need, which I liked. (Some Free RPG Day booklets we picked up really didn’t provide all the information I felt was necessary to run them.) More importantly, “Still Waters” seemed fun, felt like a chapter out of a Witcher novel and, while giving the GM all the details, it allowed for a lot of player choice. No railroading.
If you like the Easy Mode, The Witcher Pen and Paper RPG PDF can be purchased for USD$25 here. It has several more classes, much more setting information, and complete Bestiary and spells.
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Linda Whitson
Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog.
Linda can be reached at GMLinda@d20radio.com