Hello folks! A long time ago I picked up a wonderful game; the first edition of Mutants & Masterminds and although it was a D20 game, which was a big turn off for me back then, it didn’t look like a D20 game. Sure it had the same attributes, a list of Feats and all that, but it had differences too. Most obvious of them; no hit points! It also didn’t hurt that the book was well made, had great art and was just, well, sexy.
I dove right in and thoroughly enjoyed myself. The game was great! I couldn’t wait to play, but darn it if this great game didn’t come with a setting. So I had to create one, and with the help of my friends, we did just that. Inspired by popular TV and movies at the time, we filed off some serial number and slapped a new coat of paint on some of our favorite characters.
We created the Jefferson Knights; a small town teenage hero team named after the high school football team. I set the fictional city of Jefferson Heights in New York, completely unaware of the fact that there is a real-life town called Jefferson Heights in New York! My group and I had a near 10 year run with this group of heroes. Now, I’ve done what every comic book company has done and decided to reboot the continuity! So here for your review and enjoyment is the first of the Jefferson Knights, my character Velocity!
- Name: Chase Speedman
- Identity: Secret
- Occupation: Student; Junior at Thomas Jefferson High School
- Age: 17
- Height: 5’11
- Weight: 155 lbs.
- Hair: Blonde
- Eyes: Blue
- Base of Operations: Jefferson Heights, NY
- Group Affiliation: Jefferson Knights
- Known Abilities: Chase can move and run at incredible speeds. Which technically limitless, he has a practical limit of around 1,000 miles per hour. In addition to his speed, Chase can also disperse his molecules, allowing him to travel safely at high speeds and pass through solid objects. With this ability, he can allow physical attacks to pass right through him, but energy attacks still effect him normally.
Everyone has that buddy, the guy who can do no wrong, even when he does. He’s bad at making plans, he’s late almost all the time and returns your texts only hours later. But when he does show up, a good time always follows and he leaves you and all the other guys with new stories to tell! Chase Speedman is that buddy.
Chase is the high school quarterback and the local rapscallion of Jefferson Heights, NY. Despite his mischievous ways, locals seem to love him. After pulling off another one of his harmless pranks, the townsfolk simply shake their head and say, “Well, that’s Chase.” Secretly, Chase is also Velocity, one of the founding members of the Jefferson Knights.
Chase possesses technically unlimited speed, but the faster he moves, the more his molecular structure disperses to compensate. He fears going so fast that he will one day disperse into pure energy and not be able to return, so Chase trains regularly to maintain cohesion at higher and higher speeds.
As Velocity, Chase adores the limelight and adventure of being a hero and dreams of greater popularity. Although individual members have been active for a little while, the Jefferson Knights only recently became a team and Chase has taken it upon himself to try to develop better teamwork skills among the Knights.
Chase has developed an odd fascination with pop culture movies and songs from the 80’s and will often reference them in casual conversation or when trying to motivate his teammates. A number of his friends have had to familiarize themselves with them as well, just to keep up with him.
Chase was never a star student and likes to play dumber than he is for laughs, but also to lower expectations only to later surprise people with seemingly sudden bursts of knowledge on various subjects.
Despite his fear of possibly reaching “Terminal Velocity,” Chase genuinely loves his abilities and living the life of a hero. So much so, that he often looses track of time, forcing him to race back to the small town he calls home and slow things down, if just for a little while.