For this series I want to convert old adversaries and create new ones for people to use in their games. The NPCs in this series will be either Imperials or Fringers who work with Imperials. For this first installment of the revived series I wanted to post an NPC Nemesis that I used back in the WEG days of the Star Wars RPG. I converted him to FFG’s system for use in my own home games. Hope everyone enjoys.
Name: Boddu Bocck
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Commenor
Height: 2 meters
Age: 35
Crimes Against The Rebel Alliance/New Republic: Murder of Alliance/New Republic personnel, espionage, aiding and abetting known criminals, aiding Imperial forces.
Reward for Capture: 12,000 credits
The bounty hunter Boddu Bocck began his career as an Imperial scout assigned to explore new worlds for settlement or exploitation. He was well known for returning with live or preserved samples of both creatures and intelligent species he encountered.
After his service with the Imperial Scout Corps, Bocck began freelancing as a bounty hunter, often posing as a big game hunter, and worked wth the underworld and the Empire on several occasions. He is responsible for the assassinations of at least two teams of Alliance/New Republic scouts.
Bocck gained his affinity for the powered crossbow while scouting, since it allowed him to bring back unmarred trophies or unconscious specimens. His favored hunting weapon is the Malkathi Mark VII power crossbow, with an overstock-mounted magazine of five crossbow bolts, often tipped with either barbed heads or injector heads filled with concentrated tranquilizers.
The bearded, long-haired Bocck wears a variety of camouflage outfits, always suited to the particular terrain where he is working, and wears a blast vest for added protection.
Personal Addendum – General Airen Cracken
“Pride could easily be Bocck’s downfall. Although he is good at the hunt, he is quick to boast about the numerous trophies displayed at his hidden estate. Alliance/New Republic Intelligence has not been able to determine the location of the estate, and believes Bocck lives out of a customized YT-1300 freighter. Bocck rarely passes an opportunity to show off his marksmanship with the crossbow, and I have seen his ability successfully demonstrated at the Kellerman Competition on Resti Kel.”
Boddu Bocck [Nemesis]
Soak: 7
Defense M/R: 0/0
Wound Threshold: 20
Strain Threshold: 15
Skills: Astrogation [Int] 1, Athletics [Br] 1, Brawl [Br] 2, Charm [Pr] 1, Coercion [Will] 1, Cool [Pr] 1, Coordination [Ag] 1, Core World [Int] 1, Deception [Cun] 1, Discipline [Will] 1, Mechanics [Int] 1, Medicine [Int] 1, Melee [Br] 2, Outer Rim [Int] 1, Perception [Cun] 2, Piloting (Planetary) [Ag] 1, Piloting (Space) [Ag] 1, Ranged (Heavy) [Ag] 2, Ranged (Light) [Ag] 3, Resilience [Br] 2, Stealth [Ag] 2, Streetwise [Cun] 2, Survival [Cun] 2, Underworld [Int] 1, Vigilance [Will] 1, Warfare [Int] 1, Xenology [Int] 1
Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against this target twice), Deadly Accuracy (add ranks of Ranged (Light) to all damage from attacks using that skill), Lethal Blows 2 (adds +20 any Critical Injury rolls inflicted on opponents), Resolve (when the character suffers strain, he suffers 1 less strain, to a minimum of 1; this does not apply to voluntary strain loss), Stalker 2 (add 2 [BOOST] to any Coordination and Stealth checks).
Abilities: Enhanced Nemesis Combat (the GM should add an additional NPC Initiative slot at the end of the Initiative order. The nemesis may take a second turn during the same round in this slot. Any effects that are supposed to end during his next turn end instead during his next turn in the following round. This allows the nemesis to keep up with the PCs even if they have greater numbers).
Equipment: Blast vest (+1 soak), camouflage fatigues (add [BOOST] to stealth checks), vibroknife (Melee; Damage 5; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1), 2 medpacs, power crossbow (Ranged [Light]; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Pierce 3, Stun Setting), restraining bands, sporting blaster (Ranged [Light]; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun Setting, Accurate 1)
Power Crossbow
Damage: 5
Critical: 4
Encumbrance: 4
Hard Point: 2
Rarity: 6
Category: Other
Skill: Ranged (Light)
Range: Medium
Price: 400 credits
Special: Pierce 3, Limited Ammo 5, Stun Setting (if loaded with injector head ammunition filled with tranquilizer)
Description: While crossbows have been known by many cultures throughout the galaxy, and are still used by some primitive ones, they fell out of favor upon the advent of slugthrower and blaster technology. Most sentients have never seen one outside of holoimages, except as museum or private collectors pieces, on more technologically advanced worlds.
However, an enterprising designer at Malkathi Industries was able to get his hands on a Wookiee Bowcaster. He attempted to reverse engineer the weapon, but was unsuccessful. He then decided to incorporate some elements of the structural design into a more modern version of the primitive crossbow.
Most power crossbows work by way of a sturdy durasteel frame which boasts twin plasteel spars, a high tension durasteel bowstring, a trigger, detachable shoulder stock, and top mounted magazine compartment capable of holding up to ten arrows. Power crossbows are capable of generating enormous power, and when fired they can propel a small arrow deep into, and sometimes straight through, a target. They can be loaded with a variety of different ammunitions. The most common are a barbed head or an injector head filled with a tranquilizing agent.
Models Include: Malkathi Mark VII Power Crossbow
This NPC was originally created by Peter Schweighofer and illustrated by James Crabtree. He appeared in the article series “Wanted By Cracken” from the Star Wars Adventure Journal published by West End Games. The original article can be found in Star Wars Adventure Journal Vol 1 No 2 May 1994 Pages 252 – 253.
Statistics for the NPC and Power Crossbow were converted or created by Wesley Goodwin.