Welcome to…Jurassic Games!

Who doesn’t like dinosaurs? They are big, scary, awesome and no longer a threat* to us squishy and delicious humans. They are the embodiment of all of the terrible creatures from lore and legend, the manifestation of the dragon and the real life version of a Rancor. Because they once existed, proving that somewhere and sometime in the great big universe out there giant monsters did exist.

We here at the Gamer Nation, except for GamerBot2000, certainly love dinosaurs and other big monsters. They make great adversaries and hazards to face in RPG’s. They are fun features to build a board game around. We’re not the only ones to see the appeal. Hollywood, in it’s infinite wisdom, decided to make yet another  Jurassic Park movie.  And they cast Chris Pratt so we’d actually go see it with some expectation it might be good.

To celebrate this** all this week at the Gamer Nation blog we’ll be talking about dinosaurs and big creatures. We’ve got stats on a heroic scientist who studies them, learn how to talk about them without words, rules for how to deal with such Colossal threats, gear you can use to hunt them and advice on how to escape them when you inevitably become lunch.  Kyle Rivest will also be giving us a bonus article each day of stats that you can use to get these terrible lizards*** into your games.





*Except for Raptors. Never underestimate them. 

**what exactly “this” is that we are celebrating is unclear. Our naivety in seeing more of the same movies, seeing Dinosaurs on screen or just Chris Pratt…you pick. 

***Actually, they are more akin to birds than lizards. We know this now. But Terrible Lizards is cooler than Terrible Chicken.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.

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