Welcome to Miniatures Week here on d20 Radio’s Gamer Nation Blog! This week we’re continuing our shameless pandering to popular culture by devoting the week to all gaming things Mini to coincide with the release of Marvel’s smallest movie, Ant-Man. While we don’t yet know if the movie will be another sleeper hit like Guardians of the Galaxy or the first sign of the collapse of Marvel’s kingdom, the articles you’ll find here this week will definitely leave you breathless*.
What do we have in store for you this week? I’d say it’s a safe bet that you’ll see some character stats for Ant-Man himself. We’ll be taking a look at answering the tough question of what X-Wing ships you should buy if you’re new to the hobby as well as debating the age old gamer question of whether or not you should use miniatures in your RPG’s. And as a special treat, we’ll be taking a look at Reaper Miniatures and have an interview with the amazing Reaper Bryan.
So crouch down low, make yourself as small as possible and get ready for Minis Week!
*We make no guarantee as to why you will be breathless. It could be that you’re astonished at our awesomeness or it could be that you’re out of breath at cursing at us through your computer. Either way.
“We’ll be taking a look at answering the tough question of what X-Wing ships you should buy if you’re new to the hobby…”
That’s not a tough question; TIE Interceptors, Decimator(s) and YT-1300’s is the answer!
You forgot the most powerful ship in the game, the HWK-290. Need at least 10 of those.