If you’re reading this website there pretty good odds that, at some point in your life, you have played Dungeons and Dragons. On the off chance that this isn’t true, you certainly know what it is. D&D is as synonymous with gaming as Coke is with soda, Kleenex with facial tissue.
We here at d20 Radio’s Gamer Nation blog received a special opportunity recently related to the legendary game. One of our founders, GM Dave, was offered a chance to review the forthcoming book, Empire of Imagination by Michael Witwer, before it’s official release this Tuesday. This book takes a look at the history of Dungeons and Dragons and its creator, Gary Gygax. You can check out Dave’s review tomorrow and find out why you should, or shouldn’t, buy this book.
In honor of this incredible opportunity, we decided to devote the entirety of next week looking at Dungeons and Dragons. We have upcoming articles about how D&D has become the gateway drug for new gamers; PC characters for 5th Edition; a look at a D&D themed board game, Lords of Waterdeep; a peak at the progenitor game of Chainmail; and a special interview from the D&D Adventurers League.
Get ready for an exciting journey into the dungeon!