X-Wing 2.0- Point Cost Reveal Quick Take

Last Friday, FFG released documents outlining the point cost and upgrade options for all ships in X-Wing 2.0.  With so many ships the documents are quite massive. I’m not going to do a thorough review or anything right now but I did want to go through and highlight the things that stand out as the most interesting.


  • The document has been updated a few times since it was released. Things mentioned below could change.
  • Talent slots, former EPT, are far more prevalent. Not every named pilot has one but the vast majority do.
  • Force Sensitive pilots only have Force Power slots, no Talent slots.
  • System slot is now called Sensor. I probably used it wrong several times below.
  • Bombs are now called Device.
  • Some upgrades cost different amounts depending on the ship you put them on.
    • Stealth Device/Shield/Hull Upgrades gets more expensive the higher the ship’s agility.
    • Engine Upgrade and Expert Handling are more expensive for larger ships. A remember, these no longer add Boost/Barrel Roll to ships that lack it, but only give a white version to ships with a red version.
  • Heavy Laser Cannon is cheaper at 4pts (~equivalent of 2pts in 1.0) since it can only be used in Bullseye. Worth throwing on at that price.
  • Gonk droids are a hefty 10pts (~5pts)
  • Proton Bombs are significantly cheaper at 5pts (~2.5pts) but don’t go through shields now.
  • Supernatural Reflexes are quite expensive at 12pts (~6pts) but pre-maneuver barrel roll/boost can be powerful.
  • Overall Missiles and Torpedoes are a bit cheaper considering they have Extra Munitions baked in.
  • Advanced Sensors got more expensive at 8pts (~4pts).
  • Marksmanship is now only 1pt (~0.5pts) so maybe worth it?
  • Ion Cannon Turret is significantly cheaper at 6pts (~3pts).


  • B-Wing
    • More cost effective. The top B-Wing pilots are 50pts (the equivalent of 25 in 1.0) and the lowest is 42pts (~21pts).
    • Double torpedo replaced with double cannon. Gives you some options on how to load them out.
  • Ezra is now the most expensive Attack Shuttle pilot, showing the premium you’re paying for a Force rating.
  • Y-Wings
    • All, except Gray Squadron, have Talent slots. Horton cheers.
    • Gray Squadron is 32pts (~16pts) making the Y-Wing cheaper overall.
    • Gold Squadron Veteran (I3) with Expert Handling, Ion Cannon Turret, and Veteran Turret Gunner comes in at only 50pts.
  • K-Wing
    • All pilots still lack Talent slot.
    • Miranda is cheaper, but less powerful, at only 48pts (~24pts).
  • E-Wing
    • Corran is a massive 74pts but only 6pts more than Garvin.
    • Cheapest has gone up to 61 (~30.5pts) but the ship has improved significantly so probably worth it.
    • You can get three Rogue Squadron Escorts in a list with 11pts to spare.
  • HWK-290
    • Double Mod slots!
    • Device (Bomb) slots!
    • Still only 32 (~16) for the generic. Jan is cheaper too at only 42, ~21, a significant savings.
  • A-Wing
    • Has no Modification slot.
    • Jake Farrel is only 40pts (~20pts)
  • Sheathipede
    • Fenn Rau has a significant cost bump (52). That’s a 25% cost increase.
    • He’s 10pts more than Ezra, who has a Force rating.
  • X-Wing
    • Cheapest X-Wing is 41pts (~20.5pts) so you can’t take 5.
      • Same for the U-Wing but at 43pts (~21.5pts)
    • Blue Squadron and Cavern Angel Zealot (and the U-Wing base pilots) cost the same making the illicit free.
    • Biggs still lacks a Talent slot.
    • Luke rolls in at 62pts (~31pts) which isn’t much more than he costs now but Wedge is only 52pts (~26pts)
  • VCX
    • Kanan got a massive price increase to 90pts (~45pts) thanks to his Force rating.
    • Retains double crew and gains a Gunner slot.
    • Hera gains a Talent slot!
  • YT-1300
    • Han and Lando are both a significant 92pts (~46pts).
    • Gains an Illicit slot for every pilot.
    • Retains double crew and gains a Gunner slot.
  • YT-2400
    • Dash maxes out at 100 pts (~50pts).
    • Keeps crew and gains a Gunner as well as an Illicit.
  • Z-95
    • Tala’s (I2) are the cheapest generic Talent carrier at only 25pts.  You could can take 8 of them or seven with upgrades.
    • Bandit’s (I1) are down to 23pts (~11.5pts) mean you can take 8 of them and some upgrades.
  • Upgrades
    • C-3PO got quite pricey at 12pts (~6pts) which is double. He is a little bit more useful now though.
    • Ghost remains free but Phantom now costs 2pts
    • All the Rebel Gunner’s are pricey, cheapest being Han at 14pts (~7pts)


  • Alpha Class
    • Gains a Sensor (System) slot.
    • Titles have been converted to the new Configuration slot which makes a lot of sense.
  • TIE Advanced V1
    • Grand Inquisitor is slightly more expensive at 58pts (27pts).
    • A generics Inquisitor vs a Baron of the Empire costs you six points for that Force rating.
    • Gained a Sensor (System) slot.
    • No Modification Slot.
  • TIE Advanced
    • Vader is a massive twenty points, 70pts (~35pts), more expensive than Maarek, 50pts (~25pts).
    • Cheapest, Tempest Squadron, still equivalent to an X-wing at 41pts (~20.5 pts)
  • TIE Interceptor
    • Soontir is slightly cheaper at 52pts (~26pts)
    • Alpha Squadron is also slightly cheaper at 34pts (~17pts)
    • Double mod slots for all.
  • TIE Aggressor got a bit cheaper with the Sienar Specialist only being 30pts (~15pts)
  • TIE Punisher
    • Also got significantly cheaper with Cutlass being 36pts (~18pts) compared 21pts in 1.0.
    • Gained a Gunner slot.
  • TIE Defender
    • Delta Squadron is 72pts (~36pts) meaning you can’t fly three in a squad.
    • Gained a System slot but no Modification slot.
    • Vessery is a massive 88pts (~44pts)
  • TIE Fighter
    • Like the Z-95, the Academy Pilot is now 23pts (~11.5pts)
    • Howlrunner and Iden are both a heavy 40pts (~20pts) which is a price bump for Howl.
    • Most other named pilots are cheaper at 32 or less.
    • You can fly Howlrunner, all four Inferno Squadron pilots and one more TIE in a list.
  • TIE Phantom
    • Whisper is significantly cheaper at 52pts (~26pts)
    • No Advanced Cloaking Device means more points you don’t have to spend.
  • TIE Bomber
    • Finally has double Device (Bombs)!
    • Gained Gunner slot.
    • Price reduction across the board. Scimitar is only 28pts (~14pts) which means you can now take 7 with 4pts to spare.
    • Major Rhymer is in line with the rest at 34pts (~17pts) which is a huge savings.
  • TIE Strikers gained Gunner and Bomb slots.
  • Upgrades
    • Grand Inquisitor is a massive 16pts (~8pts) which is the most expensive crew.
    • BT-1 and 0-0-0 require Darth Vader.


  • Aggressor is 70pts (~35pts) despite some speculation you would not be able to take three.
  • Y-Wing’s have Illicit slots now and cost the same as equivalent Rebel Y-Wings.
  • YT-1300 & Escape Craft
    • Same upgrade slots as Rebel version but only 46pts (~23pts) compared to 78 (~37pts)
    • Cheapest escape craft (12) + Lando’s Falcon Title (6) is close to a Rebel version for 14pts cheaper.
    • Scum Han is only 54pts (~27pts) vs Rebel Han at 92 (~46pts)
    • Escape Craft gets a crew slot.
  • Fang Fighter
    • Across the board price increase. Zealous Recruit is now 44pts (~22pts) verse 20pts in 1.0.
    • No Modification slot.
    • Fenn Rau saw a big bump to 68pts (~34pts) over 28pts in 1.0.
  • G-1A got cheaper across the board with the Gand Findsman being only 43 (~21.5).
  • Jumpmaster
    • Slight price increase for the Contracted Scout at 52pts (~26pts) meaning you can no longer fly four of them.
    • Contracted Scout has also lost the Talent slot.
    • Punishing One is only 8pts (~4pts) though so that’s something.
  • Kihraxz
    • Remains cheap with Cartel Marauder at 40pts (~20pts) which means you can still fly five.
    • Talonbane is only 50pts (~25pts) but is only Initiative 5.
    • Retains three Modification slots.
  • Lancer
    • Most saw a price reduction with Shadowport Hunter being 64pts (~32pts)
    • Asajj is paying a premium at 84pts (~42pts)
  • Quadjumper retains a Tech slot but there do not seem to be any Tech upgrade currently available.
  • Scurrg H-6
    • Loses its torpedo and missile slots.
    • Nym is quite a bit cheaper at 52pts (~26pts)
  • Starviper
    • All gained a Sensor (System) slot.
    • Black Sun Enforcer is only 46pts (~23pts)
    • Guri is still expensive at 62pts (~31pts) but did gain Initiative value.
  • YV-666 overall got a little cheaper.
  • The Z-95 is the only ship that seems to have to pay for its Illicit slot since the Binayre is 24pts (~12pts) compared to the Rebels 23pts.
  • Upgrades
    • IG-2000 now comes with a cost of 2pts
    • Hound’s Tooth now only costs 1 point but you have to pay the cost of the docked Z-95 separately. The Nashtah Pup is only 6pts, making the combo 7pts (~3.5pts) a significant savings.


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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.