X-Wing Upgrade Guide 2.0- Rebel and Imperial Crew

Last Update: 01/30/2019 with Wave 2 and Points update 1.1

X-wing 2.0 launches with a wide variety of upgrades carrying over from 1.0. Similar to the guides we did for 1.0, we’re going to start looking at making sense of all of the new upgrades and how they will function in 2.0:

  • Ranking– We’re going to rank each card within an upgrade slot. This is an imperfect ranking as the usefulness of any card is mostly determined by how and where you use it. But it’s an easy number to grasp and can serve as a starting point when trying to pick your upgrades.
  • Comments- Some general thoughts about how to use this upgrade. If this upgrade had an equivalent in 1.0, we’ll give a few notes about how it plays differently
  • Combos– If there are any noteworthy cards this upgrade combos with it will be noted here. Not all cards have this section.

Other Guides

  1. Personnel
    1. Astromechs (Coming Soon)
    2. Crew
      1. Rebel
      2. Resistance (Coming Soon)
      3. Imperial
      4. First Order (Coming Soon)
      5. Scum
      6. Generic
    3. Gunners (Coming Soon)
  2. Pilot Upgrades
    1. Force Powers
    2. Talents
  3. Ship Upgrades
    1. Devices (Coming Soon)
    2. Illicit (Coming Soon)
    3. Modifications (Coming Soon)
    4. Sensor (Coming Soon)
    5. Tech (Coming Soon)
  4. Weapon Systems
    1. Cannon
    2. Missiles
    3. Torpedoes
    4. Turrets

Rebel Crew

Ships with Crew

  • ARC-170
  • Attack Shuttle
  • Auzituck (two)
  • HWK-290
  • K-Wing
  • Sheathipede
  • U-Wing (two)
  • VCX-100 (two)
  • YT-1300 (two)
  • YT-2400

Ranked List 

These were particularly hard to rank, which says good things about the game’s current state of balance. Most of them have a particular niche to fill, and they fill that niche well, but don’t really compare against each other directly.

  1. Leia Organa
  2. Nien Nunb
  3. C-3P0
  4. Magva Yarro
  5. Chopper
  6. Lando Calrissian
  7. Baze Malbus
  8. Saw Gerrera
  9. Jyn Erso
  10. Hera Syndulla
  11. Kanan Jarrus
  12. Zeb Orrelious
  13. Chewbacca
  14. Cassian Andor
  15. Maul
  16. R2-D2
  17. Sabine Wren

Crew (listed alphabetically)

Baze Malbus (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 3 points

While you perform a Focus action, you may treat it as red. If you do, gain 1 additional focus token for each enemy ship at range 0-1, to a maximum of 2.

  • Ranking- 7
  • Comments
    • This was too expensive for what it does. Now at 3pts he’s more of a bargain.
    • It is a situational upgrade. You might gain three focus tokens but at the expense of a stress and only if you’re surrounded.
    • 1.1 Update- Move up from 14th due to the radical reduction in price.
  • Combos
    • Esege Tuketu (K-Wing Pilot)/Kyle Katarn (HWK-290)/Benthic Two Tubes (U-Wing)- All these pilots like to share focus. Why not have more?
    • Jyn Erso (Rebel Crew)- Jyn is the new Jan. Combined with Baze you can have both tokens.
    • Nora Wexley (ARC-170)- Norra likes to live at close range. She’ll have a better chance of making use of Baze.

C-3P0 (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 8 points

Adds White Calculate

Before rolling defense dice, you may spend 1 calculate token to guess aloud a number 1 or higher. If you do and you roll exactly that many Evade results, add 1 Evade result.

After you perform the Calculate action, gain 1 calculate token.

  • Ranking- 3
  • Comments
    • I really like 2.0 C-3P0. It’s much more balanced and useful than 1.0. More expensive but you can use him as many times as you have calculate tokens.
    • It’s no longer a guaranteed evade by guessing zero (since you can’t) but when it triggers it’s even better. Then you end up blocking at least two damage.
    • 1.1 Notes- Got even cheaper so is an even better value.
  • Combos
    • Leebo (YT-2400)- Leebo is the stand out combo. With Leebo’s ability, you get infinite calculate tokens. That allows you to C-3P0 every time.
    • Squad Leader (Talent)- Squad Leader only lets you coordinate actions you have in your bar. If you’re paired with droids, C-3P0 allows you to coordinate calculate actions.

Cassian Andor (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 6 points

During the System Phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship at range 1-2 and guess aloud a bearing and speed, then look at that ship’s dial. If the chosen ship’s bearing and speed match your guess, you may set your dial to another maneuver.

  • Ranking- 14
  • Comments
    • Effectively the same as his 1.0 version.
    • With the removal of Intelligence Agent, and the less useful Informant, Cassian gives the Rebels a chance to flip two dials in a round.
    • Note, he works at range 1-2, not range 0. So don’t bump into someone whose dial you want to look at.
  • Combos
    • K-Wing- Both dropping bombs and Cassian trigger during the system phase. You can use him to help decide when to drop your bombs.

Chewbacca (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 4 points

Charges: 2 (reoccurring) 

At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may spend 2 Charges to repair 1 faceup damage card.

  • Ranking- 13
  • Comments
    • The 1.0 Rebel Chewie effectively equated to two shields. This version can protect you from crits more often but doesn’t prevent any damage.
    • Overall feels too expensive and convoluted. Every other turn, flip a crit down. Nice, sure, but crew is so valuable this needs to be cheaper or an every round ability.
  • Combos
    • VCX-100/YT-1300- To make Chewie worth anything he needs to go on a ship with a lot of hull.
    • R2-D2 (Crew)- Artoo has the potential to flip a crit up after recovering a shield. With Chewie you can flip it right back down again.
    • Chopper (Crew)- Chopper also has the chance to expose damage cards. Chewie can help protect you from some.

Chopper (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 1 points

During the Perform Action step, you may perform 1 action, even while stressed. After you perform an action while stressed, suffer 1 Hit damage unless you expose 1 of your damage cards.

  • Ranking- 5
  • Comments
    • Very similar to the 1.0 version except now you have the chance to not take any damage. And he’s not zero points.
    • If you have a single damage, and its a crit you can live with, say the one that gives you two stress and then gets flipped over, you can Chopper every round.
  • Combos
    • Chewbacca (Crew)- It’s less risky to flip a card up if you can flip it back down again.
    • Hera (Crew)- While stressed, take a red maneuver and get an action.

Hera (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 4 points

You can execute red maneuvers even while stressed. After you fully execute a red maneuver, if you have 3 or more stress tokens, remove 1 stress token and suffer 1 Hit damage.

  • Ranking- 10
  • Comments
    • Similar to the 1.0 version except there is an upper limit of how often you can do this without consequence.
    • Because of the timing for receiving stress from a red maneuver, you can only safely use Hera if you have one stress.
    • Sadly, B-wings no longer have access to a crew slow. Hera was a lot of fun on them.
  • Combos
    • Chopper (Crew)- While stressed, take a red maneuver and get an action.
    • Ibtisam (ARC-170)- Both Ibtisam and Hera trigger at the same time. If you do Ibtisam first, you have a 50% chance of clearing a stress before you risk taking damage from Hera.

Jyn Erso (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 2 points

If a friendly ship at range 0-3 would gain a focus token, it may gain 1 evade token instead.

  • Ranking- 9
  • Comments
    • Jyn is the new Jan.
    • Not as useful as 1.0, in that evades don’t add a result, just change a result.
  • Combos
    • Juke (Talent)- You can use Jyn to put Juke on a ship that doesn’t have the evade action.
    • Perceptive Copilot (Crew)- Instead of two Focus, Focus and Evade for one action.

Kanan Jarrus (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 12 points

Force: 1 (reoccurring)

After a friendly ship at range 0-2 fully executes a white maneuver, you may spend 1 Force to remove 1 stress token from that ship.

  • Ranking- 11
  • Comments
    • Same effective ability as 1.0 but thanks to the Force point, is now more than twice as expensive.
    • Technically could be used multiple times a round if you have multiple Force tokens, or can recover them after use.
    • With the loss of PTL, Kanan’s ability isn’t as valuable. There are plenty of ships that have linked actions, but those aren’t as powerful as PTL was.
  • Combos
    • Cassian Andor (U-Wing Pilot)- The ultimate stress support ship. Cassian removes one, Kanan clears another with white maneuvers.
    • Jan Ors (HWK-290 Pilot)- Jan stresses herself with her ability and the HWK has pretty basic blue maneuvers. Kanan opens up her dial.
    • Leia Organa (Crew)- 1. Take a K-turn/S-Loop/T-roll as a red maneuver.  2. Take another K/S/T maneuver but Leia makes it white. Kanan clears the stress from before. End of round, Leia recovers 1st charge. 3. Take a third K/S/T. End of round, Leia recovers 2nd charge. 4. Take any white or blue maneuver to recover stress. End of round, Leia recovers final charge. 5. Repeat. Three rounds of flipping with only one round of downtime between before you can repeat it.

Lando Calrissian (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 2 points

Action: Roll 2 defense dice. For each Focus result, gain 1 focus token. For each Evade result, gain 1 evade token. If both results are blank, the opposing player chooses focus or evade. You gain 1 token of that type.

  • Ranking- 6
  • Comments
    • So much better than 1.0 Lando. No more completely wasted actions by rolling double blanks.
    • Feels very Lando.
    • Half the cost of Perceptive Copilot but has the potential for the same effect. Also, because its a separate action, if someone Coordinates you, you can still take a regular Focus action.
  • Combos
    • Bistan (Gunner)- Bistan needs a Focus in order to get that second shot. Lando can gamble for two so you can modify both attacks. Saves 5 points over Perceptive Copilot.
    • Jyn (Crew) + Juke (Talent)- With Jyn backing him up, Lando can ensure you get your Evade to trigger Juke (if you roll blanks and your opponent picks Focus, Jyn it to an Evade) with the possibility of double tokens.

Leia Organa (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 2 points

Charge: 3 (reoccurring)

At the start of the Activation Phase, you may spend 3 Charges. During this phase, each friendly ship reduces the difficulty of its red maneuvers.

  • Ranking- 1
  • Comments
    • Lightyears better than her 1.0 counterpart since she can be used more than once per game.
    • Still expensive and of limited use since she takes three rounds to recover.
    • 1.1 Points Update- Went down drastically in cost, making her incredibly affordable. This brought her up to well worth using her to fill any open crew slot.
    • No range limitation still, which could be huge.
  • Combos
    • Sheathipede Shuttle (Any pilot)- Cheapest crew carrier and also comes with coordinate. Makes a truly great support ship, especially for a swarm of other ships, which will gain the most benefit from Leia.

Magva Yarro (Saw’s Renegades Expansion)

Cost: 8 points

After you defend, if the attack hit, you may acquire a lock on the attacker.

  • Ranking- 4
  • Comments
    • Slightly different from 1.0, in that you must be hit for him to trigger. Also, a lot more expensive.
  • Combos
    • Shara Bey (ARC-170)- Shara can spend Locks to add focus results. With Magva, she can focus as her action and then dare anyone to shoot her.

Maul (Wave 1 Scum Conversion Kit)

Cost: 11 points

Force Point: 1

Scum or Squad including Ezra Bridger only

After you suffer damage, you may gain 1 stress token to recover 1 Force.

You can equip “Dark Side” upgrades.

  • Ranking- 15
  • Comments
    • The Maul/Ezra combo in 2.0 isn’t nearly as great as 1.0. Though there it was broken, so this is a good thing.
    • We don’t have much in the way of Dark Side upgrades currently, only “Hate,” and no official rules (yet) on who can and can not use them. Once there are more this might become an amazing upgrade.
  • Combos
    • Hera (Crew)- Hera lets you take red maneuvers when stressed. You can also self-damage if you do this with too many stress. This would allow you to trigger Maul’s Force recovery. It’s a good way to kill yourself but then you don’t have to wait on your opponent to shoot you and can effectively recover two Force a round (once naturally, once when Hera damages you) for as long as your health holds up.

Nien Nunb (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 5 points

Decrease the difficulty of your bank maneuvers.

  • Ranking- 2
  • Comments
    • Instead of straight maneuvers, Nien affects bank maneuvers. Overall, more useful as this affects six maneuvers instead of five.
    • I really like the 2.0 concept of increasing and decreasing difficulty along a scale instead of changing to a fixed color.
    • Every ship benefits from his ability which is the reason he got a high spot, despite not being particularly powerful or meta defining.
  • Combos
    • Lando Calrissian (YT-1300 pilot)- Lando’s ability triggers on blue maneuvers. Nien was always a good copilot but he’s more effective in 2.0.
    • Hera (VCX-100, Attack Shuttle)- Hera’s ability also works with blue maneuvers. Having more gives her more options.

R2-D2 (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 8 points

During the End Phase, if you are damaged and not shielded, you may roll 1 attack die to recover 1 shield. On a Hit result, expose 1 of your damage cards.

  • Ranking- 16
  • Comments
    • Almost the same as 1.0, except worse. Now you can’t R2-D2 unless you have at least one damage card so if you roll that hit you will have to flip it to a crit.
    • Crits can be brutal in 2.0 but if you only have a single crit, there’s no downside to R2-D2.
  • Combos
    • R5 Astromech/R5-D8- These droids let you repair crits so they work well together. Though, you’re probably better off just going GNK.
    • GNK Droid (Crew)- Double down on regen. Recover one shield with R2-D2 and then another with GNK.
    • Chewbacca (Crew)- Chewie is another way to counteract the crit. He triggers during the engagement phase so if the crit is anything that happens then (reduced agility or attack dice) then you won’t ever be affected by it.

Sabine Wren (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 3 points

Setup: Place 1 ion, 1 jam, 1 stress, and 1 tractor token on this card. 

After a ship suffers the effect of a friendly bomb, you may remove 1 ion, jam, stress, or tractor token from this card. If you do, that ship gains a matching token.

  • Ranking- 17
  • Comments
    • How the mighty have fallen. Once an upgrade stapled to any Rebel bomb carrier, Sabine has become an afterthought.
    • She’s a lot more interesting in 2.0 and well priced for her ability. She’s just waiting for the right build to shine.
    • That she no longer adds a bomb slot is the most disappointing part. This was a great ability by itself, adding bombs to ships that couldn’t take them before.
  • Combos
    • K-Wing/HWK-290- The only ships with both crew and bomb slots currently.

Saw Gerrera (Saw’s Renegades Expansion)

Cost: 8 points

While you perform an attack, you may suffer 1 Hit damage to change all of your Focus results to Crit results.

  • Ranking- 8
  • Comments
    • Crits can be very nasty in 2.0 so having Saw available for those rounds you roll three focus results is well worth doing one damage to yourself.
  • Combos
    • GNK Droid (Crew)- Instead of taking a focus action, GNK. You can Saw for maximum crits and recover some damage every other round.
    • R2-D2 (Crew)- Used your recovered shield each round to trigger Saw without further damagaing yourself.
    • Magva Yarro (Crew)- Gain a free Lock from Magva when you get shot and then Saw for Crits. Super accurate suicide ship.
    • Shara Bey (ARC-170 pilot)- Shara trades a Lock for a bonus Focus result. With Saw onboard she doesn’t have to worry about needing two actions to make use of it.

Zeb Orrelios (Wave 1 Rebel Conversion Kit)

Cost: 1 points

You can perform primary attacks at range 0. Enemy ships at range 0 can perform primary attacks against you.

  • Ranking- 12
  • Comments
    • A rare example of a card becoming less restrictive in 2.0 than 1.0. There are no arc requirements to Zeb. Of course, that means now someone can bump you and shoot even if you can’t shoot them.
    • There are not many 1pt upgrades so Zeb makes a great filler card.
  • Combos
    • Norra Wexley (ARC-170)- Norra’s ability triggers at 0-1 so she’ll get better defense than the ship she bumped into.
    • Heff Tober (U-Wing)- Heff likes having people bump into him to give him a free action. Now he can attack too.
    • Chopper (VCX-100)- Chopper also likes ships to bump into him so he can jam them.


Imperial Crew

Ships with Crew

  • Lambda Shuttle (two)
  • TIE Reaper (two)
  • VT-49 Decimator (two)

Ranked List 

  1. Admiral Sloane
  2. Darth Vader
  3. Seventh Sister
  4. Moff Jerjerrod
  5. Death Trooper
  6. Director Krennic
  7. Agent Kallus
  8. 0-0-0
  9. Emperor Palpatine
  10. Grand Moff Tarkin
  11. Ciena Ree
  12. Minister Tua
  13. Grand Inquisitor
  14. ISB Slicer

Crew (listed alphabetically)

0-0-0 (Wave 1 Scum Conversion Kit)

Cost: 5 points

Requires Darth Vader

At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship at range 0-1. If you do, you gain 1 calculate token unless that ship chooses to gain 1 stress token.

  • Ranking- 8
  • Comments
    • 0-0-0 is a nice way to mess with your opponent. They have to choose between helping you or hurting themselves.
    • Ironically, he doesn’t actually combo in any particular way with Darth Vader crew or pilot, despite requiring him.
  • Combos
    • Sloane (Crew)- Another way to trigger Sloane’s rerolls. You’ll probably gain the Calculate most times then.
    • Seventh Sister (Crew)- If your opponent chooses the stress, you can change it to a tractor or jam instead.

Admiral Sloane (Wave 1 Empire Conversion Kit)

Cost: 10 points

After another friendly ship at range 0-3 defends, if it is destroyed, the attacker gains 2 stress tokens.

While a friendly ship at range 0-3 performs an attack against a stressed ship, it may reroll 1 attack die.

  • Ranking- 1
  • Comments
    • Sloane can be frustrating to fly against. Well costed though. You think twice before committing 10pts to a single upgrade. Though, compared to some Force Users, I’d almost say she’s undercosted.
    • She does three distinct things:
      • Acts as a Biggs, messing with your opponent’s target priority
      • Improves squad accuracy
      • Messes with your opponents action choices as they may not want to take red maneuvers or linked actions
  • Combos
    • Whisper (TIE Phantom pilot)- Whisper is always slippery and hard to pin down. With Sloane onboard you encourage your opponent to either chase her or build up stress fighting the rest of your ships first.
    • 0-0-0 (Crew)- You will have to take Vader but if you can get close you either trigger Sloane’s rerolls or gain a free calculate token. Win-win.

Agent Kallus (Wave 1 Empire Conversion Kit)

Cost: 6 points

Setup: Assign the Hunted condition to 1 enemy ship.

  • Hunted– After you are destroyed, you must choose another friendly ship and assign this condition to it, if able.

While you perform an attack against the ship with the Hunted condition, you may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit result.

  • Ranking- 7
  • Comments
    • Similar in concept to 1.0 but different in execution.
    • Trades the defense buff for the ability to pass the condition to other ships after your destroy your primary target.
    • Teleplays your target priority to your opponent but that is likely already obvious.
  • Combos
    • TIE Phantom (any)- A good ship to hunt down a particular target with. The other Imperial crew carriers aren’t as mobile which makes it easier for your target to avoid you.

Ciena Ree (Wave 1 Empire Conversion Kit)

Cost: 10 points

Requires  Coordinate or Red Coordinate

After you perform a Coordinate action, if the ship you coordinated performed a Boost or Barrel Roll action, it may gain 1 stress token to rotate 90°.

  • Ranking- 11
  • Comments
    • Ciena is something completely new for 2.0.
    • I have yet to put her on the table but I am very intrigued by the idea.
    • The cost is the biggest stumbling block
  • Combos
    • Vizier (TIE Reaper)- Vizier gets a chance to coordinate as a white action instead of the red that is in the action bar.
    • TIE Interceptor- With both boost and barrel roll, Interceptors can make full use out of Ciena. And they have plenty of blue maneuvers to clear that stress from rotating.

Darth Vader (Wave 1 Empire Conversion Kit)

Cost: 14 points

Force Token: 1 (Reoccurring)

At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 ship in your firing arc at range 0-2 and spend 1 Force. If you do, that ship suffers 1  damage unless it chooses to remove 1 green token.

  • Ranking- 2
  • Comments
    • This Vader is far more terrifying than the 1.0 version. It’s possible for your opponent to negate the damage he does but that’s a small price to pay for not killing yourself.
    • Since this happens at the start of engagement phase, the token stripping is particularly brutal.
  • Combos
    • Juke (Talent)- Between Juke and Vader you are assuring one extra damage gets through.
    • Seventh Sister (Crew)- When your opponent links an action to gain a stress, you can use Seventh Sister to change it to a Jam token, removing any green tokens, and then Vader to do damage.

Death Troopers (TIE Reaper Expansion Pack)

Cost: 6 points

During the Activation Phase, enemy ships at range 0-1 cannot remove stress tokens.

  • Ranking- 5
  • Comments
    • These are quite a bit different than the 1.0 version.
    • If Nien Nunb ever becomes OP, these will be the death of him (pun intended). His ability works at the same range as theirs.
  • Combos
    • Admiral Sloane (Crew)- Sloane gives out stress like its candy. Keep some Death Troopers nearby and those stress become sticky, kind of like candy.
    • Captain Oicunn (Decimator)- He still loves bumping into people. Even when he misses by a small amount, Death Troopers still work.

Director Krennic (TIE Reaper Expansion Pack)

Cost: 5 points

Adds Lock action

Setup: Before placing forces, assign the Optimized Prototype condition to another friendly ship.

  • Optimized Prototype– While you perform a  primary attack against a ship locked by a friendly ship with the Director Krennic upgrade, you may spend 1 Hit/Crit/Focus result. If you do, choose one: the defender loses 1 shield or the defender flips 1 of its facedown damage cards.
  • Ranking- 6
  • Comments
    • Krennic loses some of his OPness from 1.0. No bonus shield is a big loss.
    • Aside from adding the Lock action, which could be useful by itself, he doesn’t do much for the ship he’s on.
  • Combos
    • TIE Phantom/TIE Defender- These ships are difficult to kill so they’ll be able to get the most out of then Optimized Prototype.

Emperor Palpatine (Wave 1 Conversion Kit)

Cost: 11 points

Force Toke: 1 (Reoccurring)

While another friendly ship defends or performs an attack, you may spend 1 Force to modify 1 of its dice as though that ship had spent 1 Force.

  • Ranking- 9
  • Comments
    • Palpatine has fallen a long way from his height. It made sense that he was OP, he’s the bloody Emperor. Though, for game balance he did have to be toned down, which I think the 1.0 nerf effectively did. 2.0 nerfs him even more and he’s not worth it.
    • Having him now, effectively, serve as a free Force token for any ship in your squad isn’t bad. But two crew slots pushes it too far. If he also came with two Force tokens that might be worth it.
  • Combos
    • Lambda Shuttle- The space cow is still probably the best carrier for him. It’s a true support ship now with white coordinate.

Grand Inquisitor (Wave 1 Conversion Kit)

Cost: 14 points

Force Toke: 1 (Reoccurring)

After an enemy ship at range 0-2 reveals its dial, you may spend 1 Force to perform 1 white action on your action bar, treating that action as red.

  • Ranking- 13
  • Comments
    • The Grand Inquisitor comes with a pretty hefty price, more than Palpatine even. At least he’s only a single crew slot.
    • Getting a free action once you know the maneuver of another ship opens up a few interesting possibilities. Changing position in order to force a block is an obvious one. Though, because he’s crew, you’re limited to barrel rolls as no Imperial crew carrier currently has Boost.
    • He also sort of works as a Push the Limits, as you can take multiple actions in a round.
  • Combos
    • Rear Admiral Chiraneau- The TIE Reapers and Lambda’s all top out at Init 4. No Init 6 crew carriers but 5 isn’t bad. This ensures your free action comes before you maneuver so that you can clear the stress with your maneuver and end up stress-free in order to get your regular action.

Grand Moff Tarkin (Wave 1 Conversion Kit)

Cost: 6 points

Requires: Lock

Charges: 2 (Reoccurring)

During the System Phase, you may spend 2 Charges. If you do, each friendly ship may acquire a lock on a ship that you have locked.

  • Ranking- 10
  • Comments
    • Tarkin being left out of 1.0 was a major oversight.
    • The main take away from Tarkin is that he allows other ships to acquire a lock, which means they can do it when stressed and they don’t have to have the Lock action themselves.
    • The Lock requirement is the biggest obstacle. Currently, the only ship Tarkin can fly on is the Decimator, unless you also take Krennic. Those guys just love each other so why not?
  • Combos
    • Director Krennic (Crew)- Krennic gives the ship the Lock action so you can then take Tarkin on a Reaper or Lambda.
    • Colonel Jendon (Lambda Shuttle)- The main disadvantage of Tarkin is that you have to get a Lock before you can use him. This typically means a round of exchanging fire and you not spending your lock just so you can use it next round. But with Jendon, you get the Lock early and are ready to go for the first engagement to give it to everyone else. Krennic is required to give the shuttle Lock, unless you put Tarkin on another ship.
    • TIE Bombers- Massive ordnance shot against your primary target.
    • TIE Striker/TIE Interceptor- Normally these three dice attack ships can’t get a lock. Tarkin can pass them out and allow them to focus as their action for a withering salvo.

ISB Slicer (TIE Reaper Expansion)

Cost: 3 points

During the End Phase, enemy ships at range 1-2 cannot remove jam tokens.

  • Ranking- 14
  • Comments
    • Jam is kind of a mixed action in 2.0, with them clearing at the end of the round. But ISB fixes that.
  • Combos
    • TIE Reaper- the obvious choice, seeing as they are the only Imperial ship that can Jam.

Minister Tua (Wave 1 Conversion Kit)

Cost: 7 points

At the start of the Engagement Phase, if you are damaged, you may perform a red Reinforce action.

  • Ranking- 12
  • Comments
    • Tua is the 2.0 version of Isard. But without the ability to PTL into a top of the engagement boost, which Decimators loved to pull.
    • If you’re going to Reinforce, Tua’s a good way to do it, as she allows you to get a regular action and have complete board knowledge as to which side if the ship you’re going to reinforce.
    • This makes her useful on low Init ships.
  • Combos
    • Decimator is your obvious choice, but the Lambda or Reaper don’t get a native Reinforce so they might get more mileage out of the ability.

Moff Jerjerrod (Wave 1 Conversion Kit)

Cost: 10 points

Require: Coordinate

Charges: 2 (Reoccurring)

During the System Phase, you may spend 2 Charges. If you do, choose the 1 forward or 1 bank template. Each friendly ship may perform a red boost action using that template.

  • Ranking- 4
  • Comments
    • Jerjerrod is nothing like his 1.0 version.
    • Every ship in your squadron can gain a pre-maneuver boost. That’s huge, especially since the only other way to gain a large ship boost is Supernatural Reflexes, and then you end up damaging yourself.
    • No range restrictions on him and the only limit is every other round, which isn’t that bad.
    • 1.1 Point Cost Update- Went down in price some making the appeal of his squad boosts more appealing.
  • Combos
    • TIE Bombers- Since all bombs/mines are dropped during System, and Jerjerrod happens at the same time, you can allow your bombers to boost, then drop their bombs/mines using their special ability. Throw skilled bombardier in the mix and your devices can really end up in weird places.
    • TIE Phantoms- Boost and then decloak for crazy positioning.
    • Lambda Shuttle/Decimator- Large base boost anyone? It’s not at the end of the activation

Seventh Sister (Wave 1 Conversion Kit)

Cost: 9 points

Force: 1 (Reoccurring)

If an enemy ship at range 0-1 would gain a stress token, you may spend 1 Force to have it gain 1 jam or tractor token instead.

  • Ranking- 3
  • Comments
    • You have to be careful getting to close to Seventh Sister, less she throws you onto an asteroid.
    • You’ll mostly use your Force for its native ability but she’s a good threat. In fact, now that is is less than 10pts, she’s worth considering just for that.
    • Update 1.1- Getting below 10 bumped up her perceived value quite a bit.
  • Combos
    • Admiral Sloane- Sloane delivers the stress, Seventh Sister can tractor them into range 1 for a good return shot, or jam them if they’re still tokened.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.