This down-to-earth (or wherever) unicorn is based on the unicorns in Mercedes Lackey’s 500 Kingdoms novels. In this fantasy-verse, All. The. Fairy. Tales (and legends, tall tales, exasperated moms’ threats, bawdy songs, etc.) can and always do come true–and the results oftener than not aren’t pretty. As in, they can make the original Messers. Grimm look like Disney Princess scriptwriters. So the role of Elvish and Human Fairy Godmothers (and their associates) is to avert these horrible fates. (The novels are very good reads.)
One of the rules of magic in the 500 Kingdoms universe is that magical creatures can be either very clever/intelligent or beautiful, never both. Hence, these unsurpassingly lovely unicorns have about the same brainpower as a pile of rocks, and barely enough sense to survive a non-evil enchanted forest. They are drawn to virgins, will follow them about (yes, while begging to lay head in lap), hang out in their gardens and under their windows, and are as persistent as a Labrador retriever who knows you have treats. (Possibly moreso.) Elena, the titular heroine of The Fairy Godmother, describes them as “fawning lapdogs or a surfeit of Turkish Delight.”
Unlike in some fantasy novels, unicorns aren’t antagonistic towards, uhm, “experienced” folk, and will interact, or even cooperate, with them. In general they aren’t a violent species. While most of them prefer to follow and admire the nearest virgin, annoy gardeners by eating new peas instead of lilies and the like, they are quite capable of either self-sacrifice or doing lethal damage, if motivated. Indeed, there is an Order that includes several male knights paired with unicorns. This arrangement caused some raised eyebrows at first and has no doubt inspired a few R rated lyrics.
Original artwork is © 2/2019 by me, Lin Whitson.
Design & Play Notes: A Champion* (heroic warrior) PC, or even a Wizard* or Sorceress*, bonded and mounted on one of these unicorns would not be out of place in a campaign inspired by the 500 Kingdoms or similar settings. GMs might prepare for a bit of “breakup drama” (or at least lots of sad-puppy-dog-eyes) if the PC rider becomes (wink, snicker) “very well-acquainted with” someone.
The Genesys corebook, understandably, doesn’t have room for a real, full-length Bestiary in its fantasy chapter. Granted, there’s the Terrinoth line, but the setting isn’t going to suit every group. This is intended for Genesys fantasy GMs who aren’t using Terrinoth. A fairy tale unicorn is better suited for more light-hearted campaigns and one-shots.
This Genesys version draws on the Beast Riding rules from the SWRPG’s Stay On Target, but the stats can be used without that sourcebook. The Primal (magic) skill is intended to represent classical unicorn abilities, such as healing, purifying food/drink, and neutralizing poisons.
*these are names of character types used in the novels, and not classes from any game
(My D&D 5e version is here)
Fey Beast
Brawn 4
Agility 3
Intellect 1
Cunning 2
Willpower 1
Presence 2
Skills: Brawl 2, Primal 3
Magical Beast (Has above Beast-level intellect [dull and/or “ditzy” in the case of unicorns] and can speak with characters. Although lacking the Domesticated and Trained Mount abilities, characters don’t need to make checks for riding a Magical Beast, and are considered to be using proper tack–or to not need tack. A Magical Beast that doesn’t want to be ridden will attack and/or flee. Magical Beasts make their own fear checks.)
Silhouette 2
Soak: 5 Defense (m/r): 0/0 Wound Threshold: 15
Horn: Brawl, Damage 7, Critical 3, Engaged Range, Pierce 1
Hooves: Brawl, Damage 7, Critical 4, Engaged Range