Orbaks are one of many equinoid species in the galaxy, and one of the larger varieties, able to be used for both draft and riding. They are found on Kef Bir, the “Ocean Moon of Endor” (designated IX3244-C). Orbaks’ long, thick hair comes in a variety of solid colors and the creatures sport twin tusks, used to tear up forage.
Few equinoid variants are as surefooted as orbaks, who can keep their footing on even the smoothest of surfaces, natural or manufactured. They are easily trained and accustomed to new riders, as well as to short trips in the confines of enclosed space and atmospheric shuttles
Star Wars Saga Edition (Wizards of the Coast)
CL 3
Large Beast 4
Init: +3 Senses: Perception -1
DEFENSES: Reflex 13 (flatfooted 11) Fortitude 13 Will 8
HP: 30 Damage Threshold: 18
Speed: 8 squares
Melee 4 Hooves +7 (1d6+4) OR
Melee Bite +7 (1d8+4)
Base Atk: +3 GRP: + 9
Fighting Space: 2×2 Reach: 1 Square
STR 18
DEX 16
CON 16
Special Qualities: Surefooted (+5 to Acrobatics to keep footing on smooth, slick, or loose terrain and +5 to Ride checks for a rider to stay mounted in those conditions)
Feats: Powerful Charge, Skill Training (Acrobatics)
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Survival +4, Stealth -2
Design & Play Notes: Here is the riding beast from that exciting boarding sequence at the climax of The Rise of Skywalker. They looked cool (and cute!) on the Ocean Moon’s surface-but wowwed me, racing on the hull of a First Order flagship. Real horses, you know, can’t do that. Impressive, most impressive.
It’s possible that orbak are found on other worlds as well–“Same Critter/Different Planet” is a Star Wars trope, so you can use the orbak in almost any Star Wars Canon/Legends era. Note that Stealth isn’t a trained skill for Orbak; it is given for convenience, since a Beast’s Stealth is modified by its Size.